The Dangerous Temptation

The blistering heat of the desert world beat down as Erend and Eccar moved relentlessly through this Level 5 dungeon and striking down every creature that crossed their path. The monsters here were fiercen and each one a dangerous test of their endurance and skill.

Yet, as scorpions fell beneath their claws and sandworms writhed to the ground, the two Dragonborn seemed unstoppable, their power growing with every battle. They are already used to them at this point.

Time passed in a blur of combat and the relentless waves of enemies pressing them to the edge of exhaustion. Even with their Dragon power turns out they can't keep doing this forever.

Finally, they reached a point where the air felt thick with the weight of all they had fought, and Erend raised his hand to signal a break. They stopped with breath ragged and they dusted with sand and dried monster ichor.