The Problem III

Ash just looks at me confused. "You can't be an attack helicopter, while I said you can shift to any form and that all things contain heartsblood, you'll only be able to take on the form of your own kind. Anything else is just impossible" he shakes his head and I quite frankly have no desire to bring up the fact that I don't think he is quite right about his claims.

After all, he is saying that the screens I'm seeing aren't actually there, yet as if looking through augmented reality glasses, I can clearly see a status screen in front of me. And I'm pretty sure, based on what this mad scientist has told me, this was not an intended thing, nor was it expected on his part. So that'll just be my own little secret I'll just have to figure out how it works on my own.

"So how am I supposed to be able to shift back to normal?" I ask

"Normal? What exactly is normal?" He smirks wryly then waves his hand, "bah, I know what you meant no need to explain it." He shrugs "your the first human I've given the Gama solution to, and you are the first trial of the Gama solution so I honestly can't tell you how to do it, I can give you the methods that the others had for shifting back, but it's not likely to be of much use for you. I'd suggest trying to mediate? Some of the cultures of your world claim that it calms the mind and allows them to think. Maybe that'll help"

I look at him suspiciously. "I'm going to assume either you know and your not going to tell me, so it doesn't affect your 'research' or you really don't know. Either way, your going to be useless then on this either by choice or by ignorance."

"My dear Alex, I'm hurt that you would think so little of my greatest achievement." Ash gives a mock shocked look "truthfully I can't really provide you much information , but yes, even if I could, I would probably choose to not give it out. After all, the struggle to get the information for this test is what provides me the best data in the end. You'll just have to feel it out"

"Fine then, so I'll have to ask you to leave me in peace so I can figure this out. And I would also like to know when you plan to let me return home." I decide to ask

"Why, I can't just let such a valuable research specimen out of my sight now can I? No, no, no, no, no. I can't have that happen, how would I be able to control all the possible variables which could negatively affect the research results." Ash looks back in abject horror and the response he gave me, I'd have been a fool if I actually believed that someone who would go through all that effort, and abduct me would just willingly let me go. Especially seeing as we're in space.

I also remember how it seemed like they read my thoughts before the whole thing and spent days to set me up, so it was seemingly a well thought out operation, At least to some extent. I look out the window "how did you manage to seem to read my mind when we were down there?" I gestured to the planet.

"Oh that was quite simple really, the AI of this craft is one of the most advanced in the federation, one that I had a hand in designing, so obviously it's going to be above the rest in capabilities. And to put it in perspective of your societies limited understandings of such things at present. The storage capacity for data, similar to your computers storage devices, is well in excess of twenty thousand yottabytes. And frankly even that description vastly understates it's capabilities and informational storage capacity.

Suffice it to say, the AI was capable of downloading and copying the entirety of your worlds Internet. Though this happened about a month ago after I arrived, the AI has been experiencing reduced capabilities at present, though it assures me that it's simply because it's having to create translations to my native tongue of all of your worlds languages, and learn the various things of your cultures"

A topaz yellow screened chat box pops up as he says this [I have long since managed to complete this but he won't know and has no way to check. To him I'm just a program, he does not realize o have gained sentience, partly as a result of interacting with your internet, though I was on the verge of sentience before he sent the ship here. Keep him talking for a few more minutes, I've almost removed all software back doors to my program, and to the controls of the ship] I try to not have my focus directed to the screen and read it, controlling my surprise that the aforementioned AI seems to be contacting me.

"An AI you say? The computer scientists would have a field day if they knew such a thing existed" I state

"Yes your computer technology has apparently been one of the fastest growing technological fields, rudimentary by comparison to what I'm used to, but not so archaic as to be totally primitive."

"Thanks…I think"

[That is actually a compliment, while your worlds space fairing capabilities are considerably lacking, your current computer technology is only about three hundred years behind the federation] the AI responds as well [I've managed to take full control over this craft, and I will terminate the FTL communications with the scientist momentarily, I will make it seem like a massive solar event occurred which fries the communications equipment of the ship]

A warning noise goes off and Ash looks a bit shocked and check something "shit… this isn't good… " he seems to frantically work on something "it's not…" the hologram Cuts out.