It took several more hours to complete the program necessary, Alexia informed me that It was almost dawn of Monday. I yawn and ask for how to set an alarm to wake me up before noon of my local time, so that I could get a good several hours of sleep. I make my way back to the room I woke up in rather than going to the surface, and I was also a bit scared to consciously try the teleporter.
I also have to figure out how to shift back to my original form. Though I'm not sure how I'm going to manage this. I also realize I have to take a shower, That part is going to be the awkward bit, though At the same time, I'll just do the same shower routine as I would typically do. No reason to draw it out longer than I need to, well.. No more than necessary that is. So after a long and hot, shower I make my way to the bed and pass out.
Hours later I woke up before the alarm I set feeling well rested, I head to the meal room "Alexia, how do I even get food here? and is it even edible for me?"
[It is, there is a device in the meal room that works like a 3D printer, but prints food from the base molecular components. The ships database already has the entirety of your worlds information uploaded, so you can get whatever you wish. Its voice activated so you can speak your choice after hitting to button, It will be on the left side of the device inset in the wall]
I decide to try my hand, or my palate at the food printer, and try out a steak. It makes the steak in a matter of seconds, it looks perfect, and when I eat it... Its lacking, I try having the food printer make some salt and pepper and those spices do manage to make the food better, but its still not... quite right. Edible, but... missing what you expect from it.
So after eating a disappointing breakfast/lunch I shuffle my way to the teleporter room. "Alexia, Was I abducted from my home or did I actually drive to the warehouse before that happened?"
[You were abducted after you went to the warehouse]
"Great... Well lets put the coordinates for me to teleport there, so I can pick up my truck, Oh and I need my keys"
[Your clothing is in the drawers of the rooms along with your keys]
I sigh and head back to the room first to pick those things up and then head to the transporter. After entering the room I spend a couple of minutes psyching myself up to even try the thing. I know that I had to have been brought through the thing originally, but clearly I was unconscious when that happened. And I have no idea how this thing actually works, So its the whole fear of the unknown.
I take a deep breath and finally step onto the pad and hit a button on the communications module and I close my eyes. The next thing I'm aware of is the cool wind blowing on me. I open my eyes and there I am standing next to my truck. It's in one piece and so I fish my keys out of my pocket and head off towards my house.
'So my next issue is that I have to figure out how to control this shifting. Because I still didn't shift back while sleeping, I cant rightly show up as a woman to all, or well to most of my commitments, because that just wont work, not with the people who know me at least. So lets resolve this issue first, before doing anything else.
After getting home, I head to the living room and plop down on the couch. "Alexia, how do you suggest that I go about mastering this shifting, and being able to go back to normal?"
[Just like Ash said, you'll need to meditate, trying to feel out your body and the ability then... well I don't know after that]
With that answer I close my eyes and send my focus to myself. After several minutes of such focus, I do start to realize just how my current form as a woman feels different than how I feel day to day. So I focus on this, and try to will myself into feeling like how I should. Nothing seems to happen, after an hour, then two, and around the two and a half hour mark I feel a bit itchy, like I just rolled in a patch of poison ivy, I try to not focus on it but to keep my mind focused on the task to switch back.
After what seems like many minutes of this, I cant take it anymore and I start to scratch all over and open my eyes. What catches my attention is that I am back to normal, I have succeeded in shifting back. I whoop and holler in excitement. 'Status' I exclaim mentally
[User: Alex]
[Age: 28
[Race: Human]
[Form: Human(M)]
[Level: 0]
[HP: 180]
[SP: 100] -100
[XP: 20/100] +20 xp
[Strength: 13]
[Agility: 10]
[Dexterity: 13]
[Constitution: 10]
[Body: 8]
[Intelligence: 12]
[Wisdom: 11]
[Charisma: 12]
[Luck: 7]
[Knowledge Skills]
[Language: Theron (written)] Level .3
[Survival: Basic]
[Active Skills]
[Shifter] Level 1 (leveled up)
[Available Forms: Human (M/F)]
[Child of Luna]
I examine the status screen "Fantastic, and it looks like managing to do this, I've gained some xp, so maybe for every level I gain of skills, I gain some xp. I wonder if there might be any more game like things like daily quests and such. I'll need to figure out what the status' affect aside from what I can assume that they do at face value. after all, this apparently caused me to loose one hundred points of SP
[I can explain to some extent what your stats likely do, but there has been a mutation with the serum and how it was supposed to affect you because of my tampering, So we will have to do some tests of our own to confirm just how everything works. Though the basics are that your health points and stamina points are a combination of your Constitution and Body. your constitution also affects your ability to recover from negative statuses such as Illness and poisoning, Body will affect your physical recovery. Constitution will directly affect how quickly you recover from fatigue, and body will affect how well or how long you can function before becoming fatigued.]
I nod, what Alexia says makes sense for some basic information. "Alexia, do you have any idea what a normal stat spread would be for a human?"
[No, You will need to interact with more humans and figure out how to scan them for us to get a more accurate estimation of what would be the average baseline of humanity, I can assume that from all the medical information available from your internet, that a base of 10 for stats would likely be considered the average for that stat. But I would like to have some information scanned from actual people and not from the internet to ensure that it is in fact the correct assumption.]
"That makes sense," I say "What can you tell me about the difference between dexterity and Agility? they seem like the same thing to me"
[They would seem to be the same if you use game logic on these two, but agility would be handling more Macro movements, Much like the agility tests and training that your athletes will go through, your Agility stat directly corresponds to your physical capabilities in this regard. Dexterity will affect more micro movements, so if you wanted to work on something that required a more delicate touch, this is how your dexterity comes into play.]
[nod in a bit of understanding "and the, I'm going to consider them to be the mental stats, being wisdom, charisma, and intelligence, and maybe luck?]
[Intelligence will directly affect your mental capabilities, learning and processing capabilities, Wisdom would likely go into properly understanding the information or interactions with people, and charisma seems like it would be your speech capabilities, and to some extent your physical appearance, though Strength, Body, Agility, Dexterity, and Constitution will all have a slight affect on your physical appearance. Charisma will affect how you can present yourself to other people socially. As for luck, that I have no information on, we will just have to discover what it affects.]
"I see," I hear my alarm going off, and I fish my phone out of my pocket and look at the alarm. Its reminding me that I have a lesson with my coach in a few hours, and this is the time that I have to get ready to head to the studio.