The Plan

Alex having made his decision got to work implementing it. The first step to the plan, he had to go out and buy new clothes, was it necessary? Not at all, save for that he now has a shape shifting ability which he wanted to make full use of for research purposes of course.

He needed to find out the limits of said abilities, but if he's going to be in public in a shifted form, he's only got two options, a male form or a female form and using other shifted forms at present just wasn't an option, both because of their unavailability and his abject lack of knowledge for how to go about gaining them. The crazy kidnaping scientist Ash mentioned something about Heartsblood, whatever that might be.

So the plan, it required him spending some time shifting back and forth to get a feel for his capabilities, running the status screen while shifting showed him that each shift would cost him about 100 SP which is half of his max, after his run, and resting for some time he recovered a little more than that.

Based on the use of the SP and his fatigue, it didn't seem like running out of SP would do anything aside from exhausting himself, and it was always refilled after sleeping he has noticed. If the cost of SP goes down with proficiency of the skill, then that will be great, however that'll take time to confirm as he will have to grind up those levels.

The thought was slightly humorous, after all it wasn't until much later in life that whenever he would play games he didn't mind the grind too much and rather enjoyed it when he played games for their content and to have fun. But with this game like system now, his life became like the game. And now he's taking the whole situation and planning to usher in a whole new age of mankind.

Of course, he's just going to be stealing the technology from far more advanced civilizations, but hey, semantics. If they didn't want him to do that, they shouldn't have put him in a position that would land a fully functional spaceship in his lap. Granted, the rogue AI that now occupies his consciousness with him did pretty much all of the work before up and abandoning the ship.

But that again, semantics. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. He could after all be the unwilling victim of that mad scientist. Which he still kind of is, but the scientist has no way of getting to him, at least not for the foreseeable future. If Ash could be trusted with what was said, his federation is keeping close tabs on him, so he can't just up and come get Alex himself, and it was highly unlikely that the watchers would be stupid enough to let him send another ship this way. Even if he managed to slip the first one by them, it's unlikely that he would have another one similar or of the same capabilities just laying around.

It's also possible that whatever Alexia did when it severed the communications could leave Ash believing that I'm stuck aboard the ship, or it was destroyed. Either way, this certainly gives a buffer of time, to which Alex intended to make the most of it, starting now.

He sat down on the floor after getting home from the run and taking a shower. Closing his eyes he focused on the feeling he had when he managed to shift consciously the first time the feeling like thousands of tiny bugs crawling all over and under the skin. He wasn't quite aware of it last time, only that it it itched. Now that he was paying attention, this is what it felt like. It was rather unsettling, and he hoped it would not always be so, or he would just get used to it, one or the other.

Now that he felt himself shifting, he decided to see if he could adjust the shift in certain ways. A little tweak here and there, different hair color than what he normally had, he formed an image in his head of what he would hope it to come out to. A wave of exhaustion passed through him and he felt the itchiness subside and disappear.

Along with the added sensation of extra weight on his chest, and the lack of feeling elsewhere. He knew that it succeeded, and a glance at the status screen showed that he was down a hundred SP.

"Well let's go see the results." The tone and timber of his voice threw him off for a second, it wasn't quite what he was expecting. Last time when he had just woken up he hadn't realized any difference with his voice, nor anything else for that matter which now that he realized this fact made him feel slightly embarrassed for being so unaware of his own condition at the time. But he just chalked it up to the massive headache he was experiencing at the time.

He made his way to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror, and before him staring back in the mirror was an attractive young buxom red head with a slim figure and emerald green eyes. A near spitting image of a popular fictional character from a mystery animated movie. If she looked like a late teen early twenties young woman.

"Alright, this will work nicely." He nods to himself "Lex, it's at this point that I rather wish you were not tied to me the way you are. Because I'd ask you to help me create certain documents that I'll be needing.

[what kind of documents are you referring to?] asked the AI

"I'll be needing Identification papers, such as a birth certificate, ID, social identification paperwork, just the basic stuff like that." Said Alex "I'll also have to come up with a name for this persona if I'm going to use it for any length. I think I'll stick with something simple, and similar to my name. Just in case I slip up, I'll go with the same name I gave you, Alexia. If someone calls me Any derivative of it, it won't be too confusing.

[that's logical, and if it's the basic documents you need like birth certificate aren't there ways you can get legitimate copies without having to forge them? Without me being in a system, I can't guarantee, even if I instruct you on how to do it, it would pass muster.] said Lex

"Ah, I guess that is one possibility, this honestly is just a whole new field for me, I never had to come up with fake documentation. I guess I'll try calling up the relevant departments and set up the appointments."

She went and sat down in front of the computer and opened up the public safety office information and gave them a call to set up an appointment for getting an ID as well as to inquire about how to get certain identification that had been lost during a move, so she could no longer find the originals.

The person on the other line sighed heavily and chastised her for loosing such important documents, but went about explaining how to go about doing so. The whole process was long and convoluted for god knows what reason, but it's government bureaucracy, if anyone expects it to run efficiently and make sense, they'd be a fool.

She had to call the hospital, or in this case a hospital so she looked up a well known hospital. This particular hospital wasn't famous, more like it was infamous, for reasons of keeping bad records. It seemed like this particular hospital regularly got into trouble for not keeping files up to date, or outright loosing them, misplacing them, or them somehow getting destroyed.

IE, it was absolutely perfect for Alex's needs. She called up the hospital, stating that she couldn't find her birth records and was hoping that they still had a copy on file they could mail her. The person on the other line, hemmed and hawed a lot, but assured her that they absolutely did still have the records on file. But of course, they needed her name, and date of birth to look it up. And just like that the 19 year old Alexia Voss was created. The hospital staff said they would get it mailed off certified and overnighted to her residence. Which, while unexpected was appreciated.

The next thing was to schedule the appointment with the social identification office. So she had to call up that office and state the whole story again about needing a new original copy of the social ID. This is where a bit of an issue would likely pop up. Seeing as how even though the hospital chosen for the faked records was known to keep bad records, the government office however wasn't, and one thing always happens for anyone born in this society, they are assigned a social ID at birth, which follows them around. But Alexia Voss didn't exist until just within the past hour.

However, attribute it to the problems the country was having, or sheer dumb luck. But they actually scheduled an appointment for Alex to get the social ID of Alexia Voss. And it was for tomorrow of all things. She just had to bring in the birth certificate and something to prove residence. Like a bill or bank statement.

Which, as she is using a similar name to her actual name, that part was easy. Though she was baffled by just how overall simple it was to not only go through the process of getting the documents for her fake identity. But they wouldn't even be forged document's and in fact completely legitimate document's from the government. Just for a fake identity, but now an identity that she could use repeatedly when the need or desire rose.

So she was able to mark it down as phase one of the plan completed. The part that she thought would be the most difficult, might have just by luck and happenstance turned out to be the easiest. A big hooray for government ineptitude and incompetence.

So with that out of the way, the next thing that was important. She needed clothes to go with the persona, Mens clothes, had plenty of, but women's clothes, none. And if she was going to be walking around as a woman rather than a man, she'd need clothes to fit the part. So this required a trip to the mall, wearing sweats, and slippers.