It was black, such a deep blackness that one couldn't help but feel was an abyss. 'Where am I?' They asked themselves. The blackness permitted everything around, not even the faintest hints of light, just a vast nothingness.
'Who am I?' A consciousness thinks. Within the abyss of darkness before it, it is the only thing that exists. No sight, no sounds, no…. Anything, just what was this abyss?
There was a saying long ago, if you stare long enough into the abyss, it stares back at you. The consciousness felt something in the abyss, something probing. It paid it no heed, it just repeated the questions periodically to itself.
A beeping, a sound, there wasn't supposed to be noise here. 'What is that? What is this? What am I?' Questions, endless questions. The beeping evaporates just as quickly as it appeared, as If it never existed at all. Only the questions remain, what were the questions?
A voice, 'was it a voice? What is voice? What is this? What am I?' It too evaporates like a mirage in the distance, a mere figment of imagination, something that never existed. Nothing exists, there is just the void, the abyss.
The sound of a drop of water reverberates through the abyss, with it the ripples in the void.
Another droplet, just as loud, just as earth shattering, but just as quiet as a whisper. 'I am' the consciousness thinks.
An alright pitch cracks through the void, and ripples through the consciousness. The void reforms, all is calm. 'I think' a wave rolls out in the abyss as just a lazy wave on the beach.
"…gect… stable… phase…"
A light, a tiny light in the void, as large as the sun, but infinitesimally small. Far, far off in the distance, but near. Just out of reach.
A calm wave pulsates through the abyss. The consciousness gravitates towards the light, the only thing in the vast abyss. The light, so near, and so small. So far, and so big. The consciousness touches the light, The void shatters around it.
The beeping of medical equipment, soft and constant. 'I am…where?' It thinks, the sounds of the room becoming more clear as the void slowly becomes a memory. And awareness inters the consciousness. 'Right… I am… Alex?… who is Alex? What is Alex?' It thinks.
The consciousness begins to slowly become aware of a pulsating feeling, somewhere, a rise and fall. Below. 'Breathing, heartbeat' it thinks as it becomes aware of these feelings. It slowly gains awareness of a body.
The consciousness fully defuses into the body becoming aware of itself. It's body, the sounds around, the sensations of the body… it can't feel. It feels the arms and legs, it feels the appendages. But it doesn't feel them.
It can't move, 'what is this' there's no feeling, no hot, no cold. Nothing, it can't even see, it has eyes, it knows it has eyes. But it can't open those eyes. There's just a darkness all around. It's not a void, no it's not the void. Nothing exists in the void.
A soft hiss and the sound of steps and low voices "subject 17 showing signs of acceptance. 14… lost. 0 is still stable but uncooperative…"
The voices become louder, the steps louder. It stops, then in a panic "XXX is ….! Quick… sedate…" awareness fades… 'wha..' the void returns.
A drop of water shakes the void, once again the consciousness returns. 'What's going on?' It questions. 'I was... What was I doing?' The consciousness was able to think more clearly now, the questions of existentialism no longer the forefront of it's thoughts.
'Right... I was... on a ship?... was I on a ship?... I can't remember.' The consciousness floats in the abyss that surrounds it 'How did I end up here? I feel like this will drive me insane staying here...I am... am I?' the lack of form and the existentialism returns.
A second point of light comes up, this one colored differently than the last. but was it colored at all? was it a light? or was it just darkness and surrounded by light? It being the only thing else in the abyss the consciousness reaches out to it once more. The abyss fades...
The next morning Lex slowly wakes up, the bed felt comfortable, and she felt relaxed. Sore, but relaxed, her arms and legs entangling the side of Ash, she can feel the warmth radiating out from his skin as she's cuddled up onto his side. His arm wrapped around her back as she laid in the crook of his arm.
She sighs contently and slowly opens her eyes to see Amanda in a similar position on the other side of Ash. From the state of Lex, and what she was feeling, it was safe to assume that the three of them were all naked in the bed. Outrage and shock should be the common reaction to this situation. But Lex just couldn't find it in herself to care all that much about it.
She reached out and placed a hand gently on Amanda's head and brushed some hair off of her face tucking it behind her ear. This caused Amanda to slowly wake up and open her eyes. The two looked at each other, Amanda blushed a bit and Lex just smiled slightly.
Lex slowly untangled herself from Ash, and incidentally Amanda too, the other woman doing the same, Ash showing no reaction at all as he was still deep in sleep. Lex noticed this as she stood up, and looking about the room, the bed and the condition she felt, and saw from the way Amanda was standing. It seems that Ash was probably going to be asleep for a while longer, he must have gotten tired out from the day and then the night.
Lex couldn't remember when they ended up going to sleep, at some point during the night she seemed to have just passed out, and not much could she remember after dragging Ash into the room. But even if she couldn't remember, her body certainly felt it.
Lex pulled Amanda into the shower and they cleaned up, afterwards they got changed, Amanda not having her own clothes other than the night gown from the previous evening, Lex had her wear some of her clothes. They were similar enough in both size and height that they fit well enough, though some of the undergarments were just too big so Amanda would just have to go without those for the time being.
The two went downstairs where they started to get some breakfast ready Amanda decided to be the one to speak first "About last night..." Lex shook her head and waved her off "Don't worry about it, We were all drunk, and I intentionally put you in our room." Lex smirked at Amanda and she just smiled ruefully a bit and shook her head.
"Although there is one thing." Mentioned Lex and Amanda looked directly into her eyes "I honestly don't recall anything after I drug Ash into the room." Amanda chuckles a bit abashedly "And why are you mentioning this to me?" she asked
Lex shrugged "I guess I was curious a bit as to what all happened? Because even right now It's hard to walk. And if I had to take a guess," She looked Amanda up and down "I would say your in the same boat?" Lex glanced at the time and saw that it was mid afternoon as well "Also, I pulled Ash into the room at around 11 last night, and there's a good 15 hours of memory gap for me. though for how hard Ash is sleeping, and what time it is now, the both of us had to have kept him quite busy..."
Amanda looks away and blushes "More like you pushed me to help out when it got too much for you, and took a break. Ash was... Determined... and had a lot of stamina..." She looked back at Lex and smirked "Almost like he had a drive to get lost in testing new things out?" she raised an eyebrow suggestively at Lex...
A cool sensation in the void flowed over the consciousness, It could feel its body now, but also feel it restrained by something. As a cool liquid began to pool around its backside and slowly increase in depth, It quickly matched the temperature of the body. A prick in the arm...
"...And that is how things last night unfolded, as strange as it was, It was... Fun." Finished Amanda, She was just finishing up the food and turned around to plate the food for the two of them.
Lex nodded 'damn... I'm still exhausted, I completely zoned out on what she was saying there.' she looked at the food and realized she was famished and without saying anything began to wolf down the food without tasting it, like she hadn't eaten anything in days.