coffee date part 2-soul seeir [M] -elevator ride and icecream?

he looked away from him for a moment. "You can feel that?" he asked.

Mabil nodded

"Then how come I haven't been able to tell you how I truly feel?" He replied.

"I don't know- And it's only now that I'm able to tell-" Mabil replied . "I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you" Darri said to him and held him tightly. Mabil smiled "I love you too" he said to him before releasing him.

he stood silent before responding

"You can see into my soul- that's really cool" Darri replied

"But how come I wasn't able to before?-" he replied

"You just developed your powers later-" Darri replied

"I noticed that but why? and I did grow taller-" he replied

"I noticed-when we first met you were 5.6

and then you grew 2 inches- and you grew another 2-" Darri replied

"you grew 3 inches- from when we first met and now you grew 2 inches- just how did you get so tall?" he replied

"haven't a clue- but you'll always be shorter than me-" Darri replied

"I know- it isn't fair-but I will grow a little bit more-" he replied

"maybe- and I already stopped growing- but it's possible for you-but you won't ever reach 6.2-" Darri replied

"how do you know?! I could!" He shouted

"I doubt it-" Darri replied

but that's how tall I am- in the future-

well before I ended up here-

"it will happen!-" He shouted

"Alright If you say so-I can't wait until the were only 6 inches apart-" Darri replied

"You won't have to bend down as much-

and I hate being so far away from you-" he replied

"I don't mind though- and I can pick you up-" Darri replied

"You're not picking me up! I'm not a child!" He shouted

"So you rather kiss me on top of the table?" Darri replied

"Yes! it's the easiest way for me to reach you-" he replied

"You really like being on top of me don't you?" Darri replied

"Yes-I like being the dominant one-" he replied

"I remember how you climbed on top me when I was laying down-" Darri replied

"You mean our first kiss?-that was my favorite one-" he replied

"was? it isn't anymore?" Darri replied

"I think this one tops it-table tops it-" he replied

"pfft-did you just make a joke?-" Darri replied

"Yeah I did- was it bad?" he replied

"No- I liked it- it was quite charming-" Darri replied

"charming? well that's better than saying it was adorable- I hate it when you say that-" he replied

"Well it's true though you are adorable and always will be Mabel-" Darri replied

"don't call me either of those!" He shouted

"Fine- I won't- and I still like you" Darri said to him

"I know you do-" he replied

"I still like you more" Darri replied

"Alright then-" Mabil said to him and pulled him close to him.

Darri closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

His heart was pounding and his palms were sweating, he loved being with Mabil and he felt more in love with him than ever. No doubt about it, he loved Mabil

He was going to need to work on his willpower if he wanted to be able to resist him. He wouldn't be able to if they were in a public place though.

Mabil pulled away from Darri, he could already feel the lust for him fading.

"I love you too" Darri replied as he opened his eyes. He wasn't sure why, maybe it was just something he had to say before he could stop himself from blushing, he didn't care.

He loved Mabil and that was all that mattered. Mabil loved him too. He didn't need to say it, he already knew. He had known it the moment he saw him.

There were no more words needed between them and they never had to say them aloud.

It was their unspoken bond that they shared.

And from that day forward, Mabil would always be by Darri's side.

They would have to wait a little longer for their perfect future, but it was well worth the wait.

they held hands staring into eachother's eyes

then their coffee came , and the interaction ended.

"Thank you for the coffee-" Darri said to the waitress as he released Mabil's hand.

"You're welcome" the waitress replied.

"We need to go-" Mabil said to Darri.

"Alright" Darri said to him

"We have to go before I do something I'll regret-" Mabil said to him.

Darri took their coffee and left with Mabil they went back to the hotel and went inside the elevator- and he couldn't hold back any longer

He unbuttoned Darri's pants and pulled them down along with his underwear and he put his lips over the head of his cock . Mabil sucked his head and began to bob up and down on his cock. Darri moaned as he felt his orgasm building up, he grabbed Mabil's head and began to thrust his hips up and down. Darri grabbed Mabil's wrists and began to pull him up and down. Mabil kept sucking on his cock and began to bob up and down faster.

"I'm going to come-" Darri said to him.

"Me too-" Mabil replied, sucking on his cock even faster.

Darri was close to coming and he pulled Mabil up by his hair and came all over Mabil's face. Mabil moaned in pleasure as he licked his juices off his face. "that tasted so good -I hope you're ready for dessert-"

"Dessert?" Darri asked

"Yeah dessert-" he replied with a grin

Darri was clueless to what he meant

"Ice cream-" he replied

Darri looked at him still confused

he grabbed his hand and they walked out the elevator and to their room

he told him to wait and he would tell him when he could come in

and when was ready he told to come in

when Darri opened the door He was naked and completely cover in icecream

"I couldn't resist- I just had to give you a taste- I thought you would like it-" Mabil replied and darri started licking the icecream

"I love it-you should have told me this is what you meant-"

"That would have ruined the surprise-" Mabil replied

"Well I'm glad I get to have a taste of dessert now-" he replied

And grabbed his ass

Mabil moaned in response

Darri tilted his hips back putting his cock in his ass

Mabil let out another moan

Darri began to rock his hips back and pushed in deeper

he rocked against him he continued to lick him

And he nibbled a bit

Mabil rolled his eyes back in pleasure "Ah Darri" he moaned

Darri started to thrust faster

Mabil let out a gasp

Darri kept thrusting in and out of him

Mabil arched his back and let out a yell

He was close to coming

He grabbed Darri's head and started to thrust his hips up and down

Darri came all over Mabil's ass

Mabil pulled him close and held him tight

"I love you-"

"I love you too-babe-" Darri replied

"don't call me babe-" he replied

"Why not?" Darri asked

"just don't-" he replied

"Alright- I won't but I have to call you something-" Darri replied

"Fine call me Mabil-" Mabil replied

"I meant like a pet name-" Darri replied

"No-" he replied

"But come on you call me Darri- and that isn't my full name-" Darri replied

"I know but it's just easier to call you that-" he replied

"Fine I'll call you Mabil-" Darri replied and kissed him