"You know what to do?"
"Yes, Gwenever." Gwen could feel Ella's eyes rolling. "But I don't like it. It's too risky. What if it doesn't happen the way you think it will?"
"Do you trust me?" Gwen knew the answer to that. They'd been through too much together. Trust was the entire foundation of their friendship.
"This isn't about that?"
"Have I ever given you any reason to doubt my plans?"
"No... but—"
"But nothing. Ella, just do it. I promise I'll be okay. Trust me."
"Fine. But, I hope you know that I hate this idea so much. It's your worst one yet. Why'd you have to be such a drama queen?" She cried.
"Don't go being all soft. I'll be fine. That's a promise."
"Talk to you later. I gotta go prepare for my wedding."
Gwen ended the call. She returned the burner phone to the old couple she'd borrowed it from outside the small convenience store at the gas station. She smiled at them, thanking them for it. The old woman, who looked almost seventy, stared at her for a while, contemplating her question.
"You're getting married? Aren't you too young?"
"Is there such a thing as too young when you're sure and without any doubt that he's the right one? I look at him and I see the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Should I give all that up because my age isn't convenient?"
The old lady smiled, her gap tooth showing. "you seem so certain, so sure. Nowadays youngsters don't talk with this much conviction in their heart."
"And they marry for the wrong reasons." The old man chipped in. He looked lovingly at his wife "Lizzy and I have been married for forty seven years now. And not a day passed by that I was unsure of her or our love."
"Oh Barry," Elizabeth smiled at her husband, her wrinkled hand touching his face "she doesn't need to hear all that."
Barry bent and kissed his wife. If Gwen was to guess, Elizabeth was around five foot three, and Barry, even in his old age was still over six foot. He towered over his wife. Their height difference was noticeable, and apparently, not a factor that dissuaded them. Like Lizzy said, youngsters nowadays consider everything physical and emotional before agreeing to spend the rest of their lives with their partner and Gwen couldn't agree more.
"It's such a blessing seeing you two." Gwen's eyes watered. She'd not felt this shitty and sobby in a long time.
Somehow the love this couple had reminded her that this, this love that transcends human selfishness and greed and physical appearances and the demands of the body, this love was not in the cards for her. She would never get this, never be this, and it tore at her heart.
She thought she had made peace with this truth, but it was easier making peace with something you thought didn't exist and now that she'd seen it up close, it finally became clear. The knowledge that it existed and that it was out there was almost maddening. She felt like going on a rampage and killing those bastards who'd ruined her life all over again.
If only it were possible.
"The years will pass by quickly, and soon enough, you'll be where we are with your soon to be husband."
Right! Her husband to be. The bastard she was going to kill before the words 'I do' leave his mouth. This marriage wasn't going to happen, it was just the big show for the perfect ending for Damian Vice.
She smiled at her thoughts.
"There's that smile. Thinking about him puts a smile on your face. You can't even deny it. You're blushing."
Indeed. She couldn't wait to end him.
"I have to go now Lizzy and Barry." She shook their hands. "It was a real pleasure meeting you. And thanks for lending me your phone."
"Of course. After I broke your phone, it was the least I could do."
"My Lizzy can be so clumsy sometimes." Barry said it with so much love, it was visible even to Gwen that he truly loved his wife.
Humans were too nice. Gwen thought.
She'd bumped into them on purpose and destroyed her phone so she could use theirs.
Like she thought the moment she saw them entering the store, they were the perfect couple to approach. She'd watched them shop together and be nice to a lady and her kid, instantly, she plotted the best way to get their phone without looking suspicious. And she'd pulled it off effortlessly.
Gwen hopped into her car, smiling at how easy it had been. Nobody would ever know what she'd done. She had made the mistake of not being as cautious in the past, but not anymore. The thrill just wasn't worth the risk anymore.
"What about this? You would look fabulous in it, I'm sure." Barbara's eyes caught another wedding dress and she gasped in excitement. She ran past Gwen who was holding three wedding dresses already to the rack of dresses at the left side of the shop. She immediately picked the dress, her eyes watering at its splendor. "I can just see you in this . Oh! My Damian would stop breathing when he sees you. Oh!!"
"Mrs. Vice, how about she tries on all the dresses you've chosen and we'll continue from there. You will be able to decide what looks best on her by the end of the fitting."
Gwen nodded when Barbara looked at her, wondering if she agreed with the attendant.
"Well, I guess. It would be insane to buy all of them when she's getting married only once."
Gwen shuddered, yet a smile was plastered on her face. She didn't think Barbara Vice was such a crazy wedding person. Damian had warned her that his mother was a little over the top when she did things she liked. He'd recounted the story of his fifth grade bake sale in school.
Barbara had hired the best chefs from all around the country to make cookies and brownies for him and Daxton. She'd made fifteen different batches of both the cookies and the brownies and proudly walked into the school with a line of workers holding all of them. The moms all stared at them like they were crazy. But In Barabara's defense, it was her first bake sale and she was very excited.
She'd been angry at her life even with all the money that surrounded her. She'd only started to fall in love with her husband and was finally participating in events like PTA meetings, bake sales, and even things like taking lunch to her husband in the office.
Gwen had heard this story and thought Damian had exaggerated the facts just to scare her.
"Okay. I like this one, but it's not flowy enough... it needs to be loud and... like a ball gown." Barbara criticized.
"Barbara," Gwen smiled, choking in all the material that was on her. "It's plenty flowy and... ball gown-ny."
"I know. It's just not enough."
"Okay. I don't really like it." She managed to breathe the words out.
"Me neither. Try on the next one." Barbara clapped, chiming.
Gwen held her smile until she was in the changing room. She sighed in frustration when she was finally alone, anger brewing in her. This dress fitting was testing her patience. She didn't know how much longer she could hold it all in. Barbara was a nice, wonderful woman, but right now, Gwen didn't like her very much.
Gwen rubbed her temples, taking deep breaths in and out until she was calm. She stood in front of the mirror, then like magic, a sweet smile appeared on her face.
The gown was beautiful. She'd managed to slip it in while Barbara was distracted. She was afraid to go out in it, and more afraid to tell Barbara that she liked this simple, handless, fishtail gown, which was plenty flowy and plenty soft. She liked the fabric when she'd first seen it, but liked it more when it was on her skin. And she didn't care that it wasn't littered with rhinestones the way Barbara liked.
She didn't want to offend or hurt Barbara but this was her choice. This was what she loved. Barbara's choices were good too, if she believed in fairytales and happily ever after.
Gwen wasn't the princess ball gown type. She stopped believing in fairytales from a very young age, and wearing something that identified with it, that didn't feel right at all. She couldn't tolerate it.
She walked out of the room, strolling through the lobby to where Barabara sat waiting. Barbara covered her mouth with her hands as she saw Gwen. Gwen smiled, happy at her reaction. She continued to focus on Barbara, her eyes never leaving her.
"It's..." Gwen started, without knowing what to say next.
"Perfect." Barabara finished, getting up from her seat. She sauntered to a beaming Gwen, her eyes scrutinizing the dress. "It's... you."
"You like it?"
"Of course. Oh... you look so beautiful. It's very lovely."
"I think so too."
"Mr Richard, we'll be taking this." She said to the owner of the bridal shop. Richard had been away from the shop, and upon hearing that Barbara Vice had come in, he left his daughter's recital, and ran over. He was still breathless when Gwen came out.
"Excellent choice." He said, his breathing now stable.
"Will you need any alterations?"
In his opinion, it needed alterations. But he'd learnt over time that suggesting it first could be detrimental. A lot of moody rich and famous brides had made that very clear over the years.
"Yeah. Just around the waist. It's a little loose."
"Okay." Richard snapped his finger at his assistant, "get her measurements for the alteration." He turned to Gwen, "sweetie, could you please go with her?"
Gwen nodded, following Richard's assistant out.
If you're still here, thank you❤️. I hope you continue to read and support me. If you have any comments, don't hesitate to share them. See you next chapter