Chapter ten

"What have you told Daxton?" Gwen said when they were safely inside a guest bedroom.

"You met him?"

"I did."

"Is that why you're hyperventilating?"

If Barbara knew the real Gwen, she'd have known that all of this was just an act. When Gwen was acting, she never broke character, especially if there was a potential new player she liked.

"I'm not hyperventilating, I'm just really surprised he still doesn't know with the crowd that's here. I thought someone would have told him by now."

"Most people don't know about Damian being… there. After the incident in the church, we posted pictures and told people he'd recovered. So, to most people, he is on a business trip."

"I should really socialize more. And read more than the gossip section in the tabloid." Gwen said to herself. 

"I thought you knew, Gwen."

"I didn't."

"I should have told you."

"Barbara, it's no big deal."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. This is quite the party. And your ball room, it's very elegant and very intriguing."

"You've never been here have you?"


"I swear to God, you're the only one. How can someone be so antisocial?"

"I'd rather read a book than come to these things. They can be such a bore."

"But not this one?"

"Yes. This one doesn't make me want to storm out of the room."

"Why do I feel like you're trying to spare my feelings?"

"I'm not, but even if I was, I would never admit it."

Barbara chuckled delightfully. 

She had always wanted to have a daughter, but unfortunately her only daughter was born stillbirth. If she were alive, she would be a year older than Gwen. 

Barbara had a certain fondness for Gwen. Maybe because she was the first girl either of her sons ever brought home, or maybe it was because she reminded her of a younger version of herself. 

"He would have loved you in that dress." She said sadly and wistfully.

Gwen's eyes softened just like Barbara's own was now. 

"You think?"

"Oh yes. The cleavage peeking, the side slit to your upper thigh, the shoes, even your hair. He'd have loved everything." She smiled. "You look so beautiful tonight, love. Very beautiful."

Gwen hugged her. 

She'd acted on reflex, but she didn't regret it. 

This was her one flaw. She wanted the love and approval of a parent. No matter how hard she subdued this want, it never stayed dormant enough that she assumed it gone. She knew it would always lurk in her heart, and unfortunately, there was no way to uproot this part of her. Still, she believed she was a master over herself, so she curbed this emotion, allowing it very few times to roam wild.

"I wouldn't have minded a daughter in law like you."

"I've never really said this, but thank you for accepting me."

It was while they shared this moment that Daxton walked in on them.

He was surprised to find Gwen and his mother in close proximity. The last time he checked, Gwen was the outlawed. And now his mother was hugging her like they had some kind of special bond.

He looked between the two women, waiting for an explanation. They offered none, so he asked.

"Daxton. You know Gwen."

Gwen nodded at him.

"Gwen? You sound like you have a personal relationship with her."

"Yea. We kind of got close."

"What do you mean kindoff? What's going on here? You know what, never mind that now. I've been looking all over for you and dad."

"Why's that?"

"Can I talk to you in private, please?"

Barbara turned to look at Gwen. With her eyes, Gwen sent signals that it was fine and she was more than happy to leave the room.

When she'd gone. Daxton faced his mother, a scowl on his face. "I can't get through to Damian. I checked his social media handles, he hasn't posted anything in months. His last post said he had a big surprise. Where did you say he was again?"

Barbara began to panic. "Vermont."

"I knew it. Something is up. You say Vermont and dad said Washington. Where's my brother, mom?"

"Daxton… we have guests in the house, let's talk about this after the party."

"Mom! For crying out loud what's with the secrecy. Where's Damian?" He yelled ferociously.

"Don't be rude Daxton. I'm your mother and this is my home, you will not talk to me with that tone."

"Fine. Enjoy your party."

He opened the door, stopping when he saw Gwen just outside. Gwen gasped in surprise at the force the door had been opened with. He took one look at her, passing her, he began to walk towards the back door. Barbara pranced after him. Gwen kept a respectful distance from them, but she was very much within ear shot.

"Where are you going…" 

He ignored Barbara, his strides long and fast.

"Daxton! Daxton!! Daxton!!!"

He still didn't reply.

"Stop right there this instant. I'm your mother and you will not disrespect me like that."

He froze at the door. Barbara had intended to sound stern, but instead her voice broke. She was very close to bursting into tears. 

The back entrance of the house was a bit far from the hall where the party was being held. It was no surprise nobody had heard their conversation.

Daxton turned to his mother, his face clearly unmoved by her voice. He refused to be blackmailed emotionally. "Tell me where my brother is or so help me God I will leave through this door and never come back home."

"Daxton…" she started crying. Moving slowly towards him.

Barbara wanted to hold her son, and she did, their hands entangled even though the air was thick with anger and pain.

"Mom… I love you, I do, but if you don't tell me where you and that husband of yours shipped my brother to, you will lose your other son."

"What's with all the yelling?" Sigurd strode in. He was wearing a black suit that had its composition in acetate material and a certain percentage of spandex and elastane that made him look like royalty and class at the same time. His Santoni double strap leather shoes were shining like they had just been wax polished by a starving twelve years old who had been offered food in return for a job well done.

Sigurd as always, looked dashing and charming. 

"Why are you making your mother cry? Did we teach you nothing?"

"Sigurd, don't make this worse." Barbara quickly walked over to Sigurd, she placed her hand on his chest and like magic the mighty Sigurd was tamed.

"I want to tell him. We can't hide it forever." She whispered. The pain in her eyes was all the convincing Sigurd needed. He gave her permission to have her way.

"Daxton…" Slowly, she walked back to him. "Something happened. We didn't mean to hide it from you, but at the time we thought it was best."

"What happened?" Daxton couldn't hide the fear in his voice.

"There was an accident. And Damian got… hurt."

Daxton's eyes dilated in horror.

"What happened to my brother?"

"Damian is currently in Lakewood, Washington."

"What's he doing over one thousand kilometers away from here?"

"He… your brother… he's in… he's in a mental hospital."

Damian staggered a little, using the handle on the door to support his legs from giving out.

"Wha… What do you mean? How's this…?" 

"He got shot on the head on his wedding day."

"His wedding day? Damian was going to get married? And no one told me? Am I no longer a part of this family? Who was he getting married t—" realization hit him like a cold unexpected summer breeze.

He opened the door. "I have to… I have to go."

Sigurd took a crying Barbara into his arms.

"Oh Sigurd. What wrong did I do?" She wailed.