Vegas was staring at me all the time I had enough of him I glared at him and asked him

why are you staring at me Vegas don't tell me you never see a hot man like me before there nothing you have to stare at me like this I said

he looked at me amazed like he didn't expect me to say this after that made a confused face

what do you mean Vegas I'm not Vegas he said ohh so you want to play with me Vegas but you are messing with wrong person

really Vegas when I last time check you were Vegas and now you are not you are really funny guy Vegas I said in mocking tone and pat his shoulder

he looked at me angrily first don't touch me and second I'm not Vegas and get this in your fucking dumb head Porsche he said while glaring at me like he will eat me alive

how dare you call me dumb you basterd and how the hack you know my name I asked him

first he looked at me shocked and then smirked at me I didn't said your name and how I'll know your name idiot he said and smile and me

that's it I'm done what the hell he think of himself you fucking basterd you have a nerve to call me an idiot and I throw a punch on him but before my fist met his beautiful face he garb my hand and twist my hand on my back and pushed me to the wall all of this happen this fast that I didn't get time to react and I'm struggling in his greep now

stop struggling you can't scape from me idiot just stay still and listen to me he said

you fucking Vegas let me go I shout on him and crushing at him but he looked at me unbothered I'm looking like a little puppy and he is my new owner

stop shouting my ears gonna bleed and stop calling me Vegas I'm not Vegas for God sake how many times I have to tell you and if you want me to leave you say please leave me sir then I'll leave you if you agree I'll leave you do you understand

I nodded my head cause I don't have a choice now to agree to him

use words darling I want to hear your beautiful voice he said with sly smile

darling my foot you just wait I'll beat the shit out of you but for now

I have to obey him now please leave me sir I said while looking at somewhere else

look at me while talking to me he said in demanding tone while turned me to look at him

I looked at his eyes I just can't figure out why I can't look away from his eyes his eyes just make me feel weak at the point I can't control my own body while looking in his eyes

please leave me I said starting in his eyes he was looking at me like he can see my soul and understand everything I am thinking by looking at me he kissed my forehead I was looking at him shocked but I can't move my body because of his touch

before he leave me someone open the door of bathroom and there was pete with a guy looking at us shocked and Vegas leave me immediately after noticing them


when we entered the bathroom there was a unexpected scene I didn't expect this and see him now

he was kissing Porsche forehead and Porsche was standing shocked

he leave Porsche when he noticed us I shout Porsche but I also heard Vegas shout hia

what the hell who is he calling hia wait he is calling him hia no this is going to be messed up



the guy with pete called Vegas hia he is his brother what the hell is happening today

pete came to me with worried experience like something happened while checking me the boy with him went to Vegas and asking him questions

who is he pete I asked pete while looking at the other boy he noticed me and said

hello Porsche I'm Vegas Pete's boyfriend he said while smiling like a little happy kid

I was beyond shock after hearing what he said I was looking at pete who is glaring at Vegas but I noticed him who I was thinking as Vegas all the time

he was looking at me with a smirk on his face that damn smirk I'm feeling dumb right now because of pete this basterd lying to me whole time today is his last day on the earth I glared at pete who is looking at me nervously

you fucker I'm going to kill you today how dare you trick me before I get the chance to caught him he run away from me

when I was running after him I lost him in the club

I was searching for him when I bumped into someone when I look at him