CHAPTER 206: The Apology Of A Mother

Aella peered her eyes open slowly as the sun seeped in through the window in her room. Looking around, she realized that she was the only one in the chamber which made her frown a little.

The crazy events of yesterday filled her head instantly and she remembered why she had to stay in bed for a week. Sitting up with a bit of difficulty, she rested her head on the bed with a silent sigh.

Her body was feeling weak and it was like she had just finished building an entire infrastructure all by herself. She stretched her shoulders a bit just to relieve her muscles from the ache.

She knew she was supposed to be resting both her mind and body but it was quite hard to do the later. Thoughts about how her mother and Aurelia were going to manage the business without her for a week flooded her head with a rush.

She knew Rohare and Bane were going to be there to help out but she still didn't feel at rest, not knowing what was going on in the estate.