Chapter 298: A Great News or Not?

Aella watched with apprehension as the doctor checked her pulse with his eyes closed. She was nervous and she couldn't detect if it was in a good or bad way.

When Ralia had said that she suspect Aella was pregnant, the Baroness had quickly rush to send one of the maids to call for the doctor.

No matter how many times she tried to assure her mother that she wasn't, her mother refused to hear anything she had to say until the doctor made sure of it.

Aella was unfazed while her mother was pacing around the room as they waited for the doctor. She knew after she joined the army, she had been intimate with Bane several times when he came to visit her but pregnancy?

How could she be pregnant now? When the father of her supposed child was trying to kill her? 

It would be horrible if she were to find out that she was with child now. Where was she even going to start from? How on earth was she going to cope with pregnancy and trying to save her husband?