Extreme—Divine Sword Technique

At this moment, Zhou Han's state was very mysterious. He was the only one in the entire world.

In this world, sword aura was rampant, constantly flying and shuttling.

This was a world completely formed by sword aura. From the outermost ten thousand feet of sword light to the middle ten thousand feet and a thousand feet of sword light, at the core of the world, there was only an inch of sword light that flickered with a nine-colored light. The light quickly changed.

Although it looked insignificant, the power contained in it was incomparably shocking. The power of destruction kept growing.

Zhou Han focused and felt a sharp pain in his eyes.


"I am the dignified Chaos Sword Lord, the Lord of Myriad Swords. There's actually… a sword light that can hurt me?"

Zhou Han was surprised, but an excited smile flickered on his face.