80 Dao-Grade Fragments

What the Wind Venom Snake Beast Lord said next completely shattered the last hope in their hearts.

"Senior, I was wrong!"

"I failed to recognize you. Didn't you want a Dao-grade Dharma treasure fragment?" Under the huge difference in strength, the Wind Venom Snake Beast Lord quickly recognized the reality and said in fear.

As he spoke, he opened his inventory.

"Here, I'll give it to you!"

"I'll give you all these huge resources!"

"Please, Senior, let me go!"

"Spare my life!"

At this moment, the Wind Venom Snake Beast Lord was prostrating in the air, trembling, begging Zhou Han for mercy.

He took out all his resources just to save his life.

The Wind Venom Snake Beast Lord was very regretful. If it had known that Zhou Han had such majestic strength, it would have admitted defeat at that time.

There wouldn't have been such a follow-up.