Final Awakening (2)

The octopus girl reminded him nervously that these inside stories were not to be spread.

After all, an accident would definitely affect the reputation of the entire company more or less.

Then the fewer people who knew, the better.

She had also accidentally learned about it because there were a few elders in her family who were executives of Windy Transportation.

Otherwise, how could a receptionist like her know these things?

Once the headquarters knew that he had leaked these things, they would definitely be severely punished.


Why was he a little touched? With the risk of being expelled, Zhou Han was indeed touched to tell him such an inside story.

"Only twenty-two accidents in a billion years. The odds are indeed very low!"

"Looks like your Windy Transportation is indeed quite stable!"

Hearing this, Zhou Han heaved a sigh of relief. If the accident rate was too high, he really did not know what to choose.