Chapter 26 Are You Really 'Eating' It Properly?_1

"Haijing Polytechnic University!"

Speaking of school, Lin Baici was quite proud, since he scored well: "I really outperformed myself this year!"

"We're from the same city, yay!"

Hua Yue Yu was happy: "I'm at Haijing University, studying Business Management!"

"That's great, the new semester has started, we should get together sometime!"

Lin Baici knew that his childhood friend Li Wei liked to watch live streams, the kind that freeloading off them, and if he knew Lin Baici had met Hua Yue Yu, he would definitely be excited and fuss about getting a photo together.

"Of course, Haijing is my turf. When you come over, I'll arrange a feast of food and drink, plus a 'full service'."

Hua Yue Yu was clearly a social butterfly, and whether it was the beer kicking in or they had just grown more familiar, her demeanor became increasingly casual.

"By the way, Bai Ci, do you have a favorite female broadcaster? I can set you up!"

Hua Yue Yu could tell that Lin Baici's family wasn't very wealthy, but that was okay,

He's handsome!

And he's a God Hunter now, a super potential stock!


As long as he doesn't perish in God's ruins.

"Not at the moment!"

Lin Baici shook his head.

"Don't be shy, just tell me if you do, Sister Fish has a wide network of connections!"

Hua Yue Yu was taking charge.

'Xiba, is this woman a pimp? She's actually using these means to please Oppa!'

Kim Myungjin really wanted to say, how many female broadcasters are worth mentioning?

I can even summon members of top girl groups to drink with you.

But that would seem very superficial.

As a Goryeo girl raised with certain principles, she couldn't bring herself to say such a thing, so she smiled and changed the subject.

"Oppa, what are you planning to do with those Taboo things?"

Kim Myungjin reminded him: "Generally speaking, Taboo things need to be sealed by professionals using a Black Coffin before they can be used, or else there's a risk of rule contamination leaking out."

In fact, because of Lin Baici's Taboo things, the entire Hilton hotel now faced a significant safety hazard.

Maybe when you're asleep at night, that Muscle Buddha might activate and start killing people indiscriminately in the hotel.

"How do I find a professional?"

Lin Baici frowned.

These four Taboo things are indeed like ticking time bombs and a real concern.

"You can go to the official organization of Great Hua or to the underground black market of the Hunter's circle, though the black market tends to be more of a rip-off!"

Kim Myungjin suggested: "You're still a newcomer, without someone to lead you, you won't even be able to find the underground black market, and even if you do, you're likely to get swindled!"

"Great Hua's official organization?"

Lin Baici was curious: "What is it called?"

"Jiuzhou Security Bureau!"

Kim Myungjin had learned this information from her brother.

"Won't they confiscate Bai Ci's Taboo things?"

Hua Yue Yu was worried.

"I don't know!"

Kim Myungjin only knew the name of the organization; she was not familiar with their reputation.

"How much are these Taboo things worth?"

Lin Baici pondered whether to sell one or two of them.

The Black Tripod Bowl cannot be sold!

When you use it to serve food, just let it stand for a minute, and it will purify any impurities and toxins from the food.

Gutter oil food, expired snacks, beverages adulterated with chemical products, and so on, as long as they are placed in the Black Tripod Bowl, they can be eaten without concern.

In an era where food safety has become a stubborn major issue, anyone with this Black Tripod Bowl could easily live at least ten more years.

Illness from what one ingests?

That's no longer an issue!

Of course, the Bowl's most important feature is its 'granary' interior that can store any item.

With it, from now on whenever Lin Baici leaves the house, no matter how many things he has, he can just put them in the Bowl, stuff the Bowl into his backpack, and walk away with ease.

The Bodhi Messenger's Cassock cannot be sold either!

Wearing it, you can summon a muscle-clad Buddha clad only in shorts to help with laundry, cooking, chopping wood, and feeding horses.

If there's a fight, it can hand you a knife and bury the body.

Apart from the occasional moment it goes haywire and punches the owner, it's hard to find any fault with it.

The Fragrant Rush Cushion seems quite useful too.

Sitting on it, one can maintain focus, feel energized, and enjoy Passing Ears Recitation benefits.

Even though he has absorbed the Divine Grace from it, other people who use it for an extended period can still enhance their memory and even cure senile dementia.

What a pity!

If this cushion could cure senile dementia in half a month, then he could simply lie at home and make money.

Last is the Songmu Torch!

When it burns, it gives off a pleasant pine scent, can ignite anything and burn it to ashes in a very short time.

Lin Baici felt there was little chance he would use it because setting fires could land you in prison!

Moreover, the torch is too dangerous, as everyone who sees it wants to pick it up and play with it, leading to a strong impulse to end up burning others or oneself.

"In the Hunter's circle, Meteorite Coins filled with God's Ability are the real hard currency, sourced from Meteorites. If you exchange them for money, it would be a huge loss!"

Kim Myungjin licked her lips: "If you want to sell, I can ask my brother? I guarantee you won't get a bad deal!"

Actually, if it were for money, she could make the call, ten million, twenty million, it would be a piece of cake, but since Lin Baici had saved her life, she couldn't take advantage of that.

"I think you better not sell them!"

Hua Yue Yu felt that Taboo things were rare commodities, which would not be easy to buy back once sold.

"Oppa, no need to rush the decision!"

Kim Myungjin took a sip of juice and passed the newly bought Apple phone to Lin Baici and Hua Yue Yu.

"Thank you!"

Hua Yue Yu took the phone with both hands and said, "I'll transfer the money to you later!"

The phone was the most expensive PRO MAX version, costing over ten thousand yuan, but Hua Yue Yu could easily afford it.

"It's just a phone!"

Kim Myungjin had no intention of accepting the money, and noticing that Lin Baici hadn't taken it, she asked, "Oppa?"

"It's too expensive!"

Lin Baici felt embarrassed to accept it.

"Oppa, you saved my life!"

Kim Myungjin stood up, holding the Apple phone with both hands, bowing at a ninety-degree angle as she presented it to Lin Baici with much more seriousness than before.

"Just a small gift, no need for ceremony!"

"Just take it!"

Hua Yue Yu persuaded him.

Despite Kim Myungjin's casual appearance in shorts, a tank top, and flip-flops, her entire outfit was luxurious.

The purple flip-flops on her feet, if Hua Yue Yu remembered correctly, should be from Chanel,

costing over seven thousand yuan.

To Kim Myungjin, it really was just a phone; she didn't care about the cost.

"Thank you!"

Lin Baici accepted it. To refuse any further would have seemed too pretentious.

Besides, once he had the money in the future, he could give Kim Myungjin the latest model of the Apple phone in return.

"Oppa, you don't need to be polite with me!"

Kim Myungjin sighed. Oppa's character was too good. If it were one of those 'little milk dogs' her besties knew, they would have eagerly accepted the gift and fawned over her, calling her princess by now.

Hua Yue Yu opened the packaging, took out the phone, and swapped SIM cards.

To her surprise, it worked!

"Oye, that saves trouble, no need for a new SIM card!"

Hua Yue Yu had just logged into WeChat when hundreds of messages instantly popped up.

Especially in the twenty-some wealthy fan groups, they were all tagging her, as her sudden departure from the live stream had made everyone worried.

Ignore them for now!

Hua Yue Yu leaned over to Lin Baici and said, "Xiao Bai, are you all set? Let's add each other as friends!"

"Just a sec!"

The phone Lin Baici had been using was a second-hand one handed down by his mother, costing only a little over one thousand yuan; getting an Apple phone all of a sudden, he needed time to get used to it.

"I'll teach you!"

Hua Yue Yu immediately became a home tutor, guiding Lin Baici on how to use it: "You need to download apps like WeChat and Meituan from this store!"

The phone operation was very simple, and Lin Baici had activated the Guo Er Cheng Song, which meant he remembered anything he heard immediately.

With the Divine Grace of Guo Er Cheng Song activated, Lin Baici could remember anything he had heard clearly for at least three years.

If not activated, just casually listening, he would start to forget within a few months at most.

"I might even become a top student in the future!"

Lin Baici was looking forward to it.

"Xiao Bai, do you have a bank card?"

Hua Yue Yu figured Lin Baici didn't have one.


Lin Baici had just graduated from high school and didn't own such a thing.

"It's inconvenient without a bank card, you should get one!"

The live streamer suggested.

Ding dong!

Lin Baici received a transfer notification.

It was from Little Merperson!

"What are you doing?"

Lin Baici was puzzled.

Little Merperson was Hua Yue Yu's WeChat nickname, a friend he had just added!

"The limit is fifty thousand yuan for a single transfer in one day, don't find it too little!"

Hua Yue Yu was a bit concerned, as the amount was rather small.

Lin Baici rolled his eyes, didn't tap accept, and continued fiddling with the phone.

"Eh? Take it already!"

Hua Yue Yu urged, "You have to let me do something for you! Otherwise, I'll feel guilty!"

"Aren't you preparing a banquet of wine and meat to entertain me?"

Lin Baici joked.

"That's not the same!"

Hua Yue Yu became anxious, "I have to do something to repay you!"

"If you consider me a friend, then don't worry about these things!"

Lin Baici definitely didn't want it.

He didn't save people in God's Ruins for money.


Hua Yue Yu nodded. She would always remember this kindness in her heart.

[The goodwill of these two towards you is gradually increasing. If you put in a little more effort, you might be able to 'eat' them!]

Eater God suddenly spoke up.

'Is your kind of eating legitimate?'

Lin Baici was startled. He still wasn't used to suddenly hearing a voice in his mind.

[Both of them are very healthy, untouched, suitable for fun or for carrying on the lineage. They're quality partners!]


Lin Baici felt like he had heard some serious information.

"It's a pity you can't live stream in God's Ruins, otherwise it would be a huge hit!"

Having safely exited the game, Hua Yue Yu began to think about work again. The thrilling excitement of the taboo game would definitely blow the viewers' minds.