Chapter 62 New Student Registration_1

Today is the second day of university enrollment. With so many freshmen, and parents accompanying their children, the campus is bustling, teeming with people and filled with a cacophony of chattering voices.

There are nine people in front of Lin Baici, and it's not his turn yet; meanwhile, a dozen more have lined up behind him.

The ones in charge of registration are a senior girl and boy from our faculty.

"The senior boy looks very ordinary, with thick glasses and an honest demeanor. The senior girl is beautiful, tall with long legs, a slim A-line waist, wearing light makeup—gorgeous!"

"Just that her skin is a bit dark!"

"Out of ten, I'd give her a seven!"

The boy in front of Lin Baici murmurs to his phone.

"Take a peek? No, that's not right; without her permission, I can't film. That's a principle of mine!"

"Alright, for the sake of my followers, I'll go for it, but just a quick glance, okay!"

As he speaks, the boy points his phone toward the wheat-colored senior girl.