Chapter 85 Beginning the Search for Gourmet Food [Subscribe Request]_1

[Unfortunately, no!]

Lin Baici felt a little disappointed.

[Don't dawdle, hurry up and set off on the quest for delicious food!]

The Eater God urged.

Grrumble rumble!

Lin Baici's stomach began to growl, signaling hunger.

With the crisis averted, everyone gathered around.

"Handsome, thank you!"

Lv Yingxi came over with a smile, striking up a conversation: "My name is Lv Yingxi!"

"Dude, thanks. My name is Tang Zhiqian, a junior at Haijing Polytechnic. I just heard from Zhou Ya that we're from the same school? If there's ever…"

Tang Zhiqian quickly shut up.

In previous social interactions, because of his family background, people always flattered and ingratiated themselves with him. He had grown used to looking down on others, which was why he almost slipped and said if you ever need anything, you can come to me.

What a joke.

The man's a God Hunter, what could possibly require his help?

It's him who should be asking for favors!