Chapter 85 Beginning the Search for Gourmet Food [Subscribe Request]_3

Guo Zheng had not a shred of kindness or patience for these ordinary people; in his eyes, they were nothing more than cannon fodder to scout the path ahead.

"Brother Lin... Brother Lin, save me?"

The elderly, decrepit Liu Liu came over, her face streaming with tears as she pleaded.

Her chiffon blouse was finely made and suited a young girl's body well, cute yet not overly sexy. But now, worn by an old crone with chicken skin and crane hair, it looked bizarre no matter how one looked at it.

"Please... cough, cough... please!"

Coach Zhang begged while coughing up blood, unable to stop. His face was pale, the result of excessive blood loss.

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Baici took out the Ask God Turtle Shell. "Can you lift the curse on them?"

"Why should I lift it? Look how well they're doing!"

'It' spoke up, with a tone of incomprehension, "See this blood they're coughing up, how beautiful, and listen to that coughing, how pleasant?"