Chapter 87: One Buddha Suppresses the Entire Scene [Request for Subscription]_1

"Lin Junior!"

Zhou Ya was conflicted, she wanted to foster a good relationship with Lin Baici, but she didn't want to engage in behavior that was overly blatant.

"My Zhou Ya!"

Du Xin was going crazy with anger.

What are you doing acting so reserved at a time like this?

Do you want to live or not?

If you do, go hug his thigh, lick his boots with all you've got!

If I were in your shoes, I'd have knelt down and sung "Conquer" to him, licking until he howled in delight.


it's not shameful!

This is a God Hunter we're talking about.

It's worth losing face over.

Hua Yue Yu was very calm; after all, it wasn't her turn to be a human sacrifice. If anyone dared choose her, little Bai would surely smash their head in.

Moreover, from her understanding of Lin Baici, she didn't think he would choose anyone. Instead, it would probably be those bosses who suggested it that would suffer.

"Who is He Zhongkun? Why is he so bad?"

Xia Hongyao frowned.