Chapter 122: Game of Divine Jealousy Cleared, New Divine Grace GET√!_3

As the orb entered his mouth, it popped like a soap bubble, the tender golden sphere touching his palate and instantly melting into a stream of warmth that flowed down his throat and into his stomach.

It felt as though, after trudging through the icy, snowy wilderness, exhausted and famished, he suddenly drank a cup of hot milk.

Comfortable! Enjoyable!

Lin Baici's body temperature rose, and at the same time, his brain acquired some mysterious knowledge, which took root and imprinted itself onto his neurons.

A sharp pain assaulted his brain but only lasted a few seconds; in his childhood, Lin Baici felt a sense of immense satiety.

Fulfillment! Exhilaration!

New Divine Grace, A Sip of A Hundred Flavors, acquired√.

[Each person's life is a dish, whether it's sweet and sour, bitter or spicy, full of flavor, or utterly revolting and tasteless!]

Lin Baici carefully savored this Divine Grace.