Chapter 141 Goblin Slayer【Please Subscribe, Vote for Monthly Tickets】_3


Dinner's ready.

The goblins knelt down, mumbled a chaotic prayer, and, after praying to a god, they swarmed towards the cauldron to begin fighting for food.

Brother Goblin swung his walking stick, beating around to maintain order.

"How's it going?"

Xia Hongyao, growing impatient, moved closer.

"We make our move after they've eaten their fill!"

Lin Baici wasn't in a hurry.

These goblins were often starving, so they ate quickly, finishing the porridge in less than three minutes.

A few greedy, young goblins even jumped into the pot, licking the residue off the sides.

Some goblins, sated, lay on the ground to sleep, but a few strong ones went into a small cave.

Soon, cries and screams of women echoed from inside.


Lin Baici felt he couldn't wait any longer, recognizing that type of sound from the adult movies he'd watched.

Indeed, it'd be easier to kill the goblins after they tired themselves out playing, but some things just couldn't be reckoned with so coldly.