Chapter 144 Clearing the Den, Top-Tier Rewards_3

Lin Baici glanced at the landlady, "With your card, facing the Goblin King would be a certain death, no, an even more miserable one." After that, he looked at the Bartender, who was already intent on killing. He wouldn't be soft-hearted either.

"Good luck winning the next round!"

After Lin Baici finished speaking, his hand moved and the sword fell.


The Bartender's head was chopped off.


Blood spurted from the neck.


As the Bartender's body fell, Lin Baici heard the deliberately imitated voice of a crazy maid mimicking a fantasy game NPC in his ear.

"Congratulations, you've killed the Goblin assassin and completed the hidden task."

"You will have permanent possession of the 'Goblin King' card."

"Using this card, you can summon an army of Goblins, numbering one hundred, including ten large Goblin warriors."