Chapter 148 Rescue the Princess, Perfect Clearance_3

The girl was suddenly on the verge of tears, looking at Lin Baici with a mournful gaze.

"When the maid said that, it was just a figure of speech, right?"

The man in sunglasses explained, "Otherwise, what can be done? It's not possible that this monster is the princess, is it?"


The monster roared, pacing back and forth, wanting to attack yet afraid to do so. It pulled a candelabrum off the wall and hurled it at the princess.


Lin Baici waved his hand and sent the candelabrum flying away.

"The maid did say the princess is ugly, but she didn't say it's not human, did she?"

The transgender person analyzed.

"But the maid didn't say the princess is human either!"

Lin Baici narrowed his eyes, looked down at the princess, and then scrutinized the monster.

This is trouble!

What should I choose?

What if there's no trap and I'm overthinking this...