Chapter 160 Decisive Killing Lin Baici_2

"I really want to see what humans look like after they're cursed!"

'It' was on the verge of crying.

I'm so dedicated to my job, I think about working overtime every day, but my owner just won't allow it.

So frustrating.

"If you do divination at will, I'll get caught in a few days!"

Lin Baici dared not let the turtle shell be reckless because its divination was essentially a curse, a malevolent strength.

He turned around and saw that the boy was following him, so he knew he had been stuck with a plaster, and rushing toward the classroom building in the distance, he immediately charged inside.

Xu Donggui, worried about losing track of the person, also hurried over, then saw Lin Baici's figure flicker on the stairs.


Without a thought, Xu Donggui took the stairs two at a time. He planned to make one more threat—if he really couldn't get the turtle shell, he would go to his advisor.