Chapter 164: Lin Baici's Authority Cannot Be Challenged!_1


Some people didn't care about the conflict between Lin Baici and the fighter; they just wanted to survive. They tried to move away quietly, but as soon as they left the crowd, they were targeted by the giant stone.


The giant stone rolled toward them, the face on it looking fierce and ghastly, scaring them back into the crowd.

As long as a person didn't think about leaving, the giant stone wouldn't attack them.

Lin Baici listened to the fighter's words and laughed. Without saying anything, his body moved.


Lin Baici appeared in front of the fighter, his right fist clenched, and he sent it hurtling towards the man's head.

"So fast!"

The fighter felt a chill in his heart; relying on experience and instinct, he knew he couldn't dodge, so he used his left arm to block and threw a punch with his right.

I'll show this kid that I'm not a pushover... Ah!