Chapter 166: My King, I Have Been Waiting for You for a Long Time!_2

Is this the confidence of a God Hunter?

Lin Baici was puzzled. A dozen people had been tackled by the mummies, some having their throats bitten off and killed on the spot, while others were dragged away.

"Help! Save me!"

The middle-aged woman, who had lost her bestie, screamed, struggling ceaselessly, but she couldn't break free from the mummy's considerable strength.

The mummies that killed their victims then pounced on their next target.

"Wait here for me!"

Lin Baici charged out. He wanted to test these mummies' combat prowess—if he could help, he would lend a hand.

The man in the hoodie was tackled by a mummy. He struggled with all his limbs, and just as the mummy bit toward his throat, a Green Dragon Sword sliced through the air.


The Bronze Sword cut through the mummy's neck.


A head fell on the man in the hoodie's face, hitting his nose so hard, it made him cry.