Uncomfortable, distended, panic-stricken!
Sss! Sss!
Steam started to billow from Lin Baici's body again, but this time it was just water vapor, not the red mist of before.
Soon, a misty steam spread for over ten meters around Lin Baici, like the fog on an early winter morning.
Lin Baici was thirsty!
He had planned to take a bottle of mineral water from his WWII medal to drink, but then he thought, if he could even digest a Divine Being, why fear the water from this restaurant?
So he picked up the lemon water from the table beside him and guzzled it down!
Glug! Glug!
After finishing a liter of water in one go, Lin Baici wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
If only it were an ice-cold cola, delicious.
What's next?
Sit down and digest?
And when will I be able to finish eating?
Lin Baici had a belly full of questions, but the Eater God clearly had no intention of answering them.