Summoning... The Swordsman From The Desperate Future, Lucina (I)

Under Qiqi and the Sun Knight's attacks, the remaining enemies in the Black Beast Alliance's headquarters were all converted into the corresponding amount of EXP, and Lin Ye's two friends were upgraded to the level of 5-star Diamond creatures.

They should have leveled up even higher.

As long as the Bionic Tear Brother stood back and let Qiqi and Sun Knight to the enemy's stronghold along the way, they would be able to kill a lot more enemies and obtain enough EXP to level up to Diamond 7-star and Diamond 8-star Godslayer.

However, Lin Ye had other plans, so he didn't want them to stay here to farm points. Instead, he asked Bionic Tear Bro to finish the battle quickly and take out all the enemy strongholds as soon as possible.

The final wave of massacres was a guaranteed victory. The enemy's elite units were all wiped out by him and the Bionic Tear's Holy Hymn.

That was why he let the two Godkiller-level thugs drink the soup.