Chapter 28: Primordial Yang Sword_1

Although the Earth Star has entered the era of immortal cultivation, everyone's lifespan has significantly increased, there are still natural life limits.

The Imperial Medical Academy has conducted a substantial amount of research on lifespan.

After sampling the lifespan limit of a hundred thousand regular cultivators, they concluded the maximum lifespan for each realm's cultivators.

Qi Practitioners generally have a lifespan of two full cycles of the Chinese Zodiac, which is 120 years.

Foundation Establishment cultivators live for four cycles, 240 years.

Gold Core cultivators live for eight cycles, 480 years.

Nascent Soul cultivators double that, at sixteen cycles, or 960 years.

Of course, these figures aren't absolute and can vary from person to person, but this is the average lifespan of standard cultivators.