Chapter 30 Spirit Stone Exchange_1

Eventually, Chen Mobai decided to go to the bank to exchange.

Not without reason.

Because exchanging spirit stones at the bank would earn him points from the celestial sect.

The point system was designed by the celestial sect to nationalize all the spirit stones in the market.

Each spirit stone would earn him 10,000 points after converting into cash. Spending the cash would earn him another 10,000 points back—double the benefit.

After school, he walked into the national bank branch in Red Sandstone City.

"Good day, sir, how may I assist you?"

In the bank, a sweet smiling lady with short hair in a uniform approached him when she noticed Chen Mobai hesitating in front of the ticket machine.

"I can't seem to find the service I need."

"May I ask what service you need?"

"To exchange spirit stone."

"I am sorry, sir, but we have not yet launched the service of exchanging spirit stones."

The short-haired girl apologized with an unchanged smile, looking sorry.