Chapter 182 Performance Puppet_1

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Mobai worked hard chopping logs until he finally ended the Red Sun Wood business at Bud Hall.

Yu Lian, Luo Yixiu, and Luo Yixuan each contributed 100 lower-grade Spirit Stones, while from Liu Wenbo, he only received the market price, netting him 50 Spirit Stones.

Of these, 100 Spirit Stones were used to purchase Yuan Chiye's storage bag.

Apart from what Chen Mobai already had, he now totted up a considerable sum of 280 Spirit Stones.

After getting in good stead with Yuan Chiye, Chen Mobai handed over his share of Red Sun Wood, and immediately took two and a half months off to concentrate on the Dance Tool Dao Academy, as the pace of learning was becoming hard to keep up with.

Chen Mobai chose "Talismanic Runes" and "Puppetry" as his major courses.

He chose to audit "Extraction of Talisman Ink and Pigment", "Calligraphy", "Design and Manufacture of Spiritual Instruments and Automation", and "Agricultural Studies".