Chapter 189: The Completion of the Nourishing Thought Forge God Technique_1

In the wooden cabin, Chen Mobai was sitting on a cushion, veins throbbing on his forehead, his face a picture of pain.

Just then, a melodious and pleasing divine sound rang from the white jade bell placed by his side, falling into his ears like heavenly music. Subsequently, his pained expression began to ease and gradually he looked as usual.

About fifteen minutes later, Chen Mobai opened his eyes, his pupils flickered with a sharp light, slowly retracting after quite a while.

This was a phenomenon of his divine sense breaking through again, something he was not yet able to fully control.

"The Fire Clearing Pill is indeed powerful."

Chen Mobai swayed the white jade bell in his hand, the sound of subduing God constantly ringing.

After his breakthrough, his surging divine sense began to relax, gradually merging into the Green Paulownia seedling in his Dantian. It had already grown five leaves and there was even a bud floating on top.