Chapter 243 Ascension Sect_1


Just when surprise furrowed Chen Mobai's brow, a dark, long shadow, akin to a spirit snake, shot out from Yang Jing's open mouth.

A blazing, scorching energy erupted, and a strand of purple flame rose from Chen Mobai's palm. It incinerated the dark shadow, but the invisible divine consciousness residing within it penetrated through the Purple Fire Sword Aura and infiltrated Chen Mobai's Sea of Knowledge at the Purple Mansion.

Divine Consciousness Forming!

Has Yang Jing reached the foundation establishment stage?

Chen Mobai frowned at this unanticipated development but, as this pertained to his Sea of Knowledge at the Purple Mansion, he remained vigilant and decided to meditate immediately to investigate.

Meanwhile, the extremely quiet Yang Jing was now widely gaping, her eyes sparkling with a beastly, sinister glow as she laughed chillingly and lunged at Chen Mobai.

"What is going on? Is there a problem with the seal?"