Chapter 259 Underworld Array_2

A screeching sound!

With a deafening noise, the Divine Wood Sword landed on what seemed like a chunk of pure iron. It slightly pierced the outer layer, but was then firmly seized by the left hand of Feiming Daoist, unable to advance further.

"Interesting, he is actually a sword cultivator."

Feiming Daoist's dark golden eyes moved onto Chen Mobai off in the distance. Of all the six Foundation Establishment cultivators present, he had paid the least attention to this handsome young man.

Because he could sense that the young man's cultivation level was only just starting to establish a foundation.

However, the swordsmanship displayed in these two rapid attacks, expertly capitalizing on the gaps in his magic artifact's defenses, reflected an impressive visual prowess and Sword Dao Realm. It even surpassed the older man in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.