Chapter 310 Nine-foot Law Body_3

Despite his certainty, his voice trembled slightly.

"No wonder after beheading him, the Qingyang Fire Seed couldn't burn his body to ashes, so he was a Body Cultivator after all."

Upon hearing the name Ji Dao Yuan, Chen Mobai's expression became clear.

He was well aware that battles among Cultivators in the Tianhe Realm resulted in life or death in an instant, so he didn't hold back.

Facing Ji Dao Yuan who attacked him, he immediately used the Flying Sparrow Hairpin combined with Qingyang Fire, and instantly boosted his Purple Fire Sword Light to its peak under regular circumstances.

Average Foundation Establishment cultivators, like the Sword Cultivator Zheng Wulyu, were reduced to ashes under a single sword from Chen Mobai.

Although Ji Dao Yuan had been beheaded, his body was left intact.

At first, Chen Mobai doubted whether he had overestimated his own strength. But after hearing Yue Zutao's words and seeing Zheng Wulyu's ashes scattered over the sky, he was relieved.