Chapter 312: Post-War Spoils_1


Up in the sky, the voice of Ji Dingjin sounded.

But there was no need for him to say it. After witnessing Chen Mobai turn Mu Hanxiong into flying ashes, the cultivators from Rock Country who came to attack Rolling Thunder Mountain had already lost their will to fight.

Some Foundation Establishment cultivators had guessed the grade of that mirror, their eyes full of fear and a hint of greed.

However, Mu Hanxiong's ashes still floated in the sky, and no one dared to step further in the direction of Chen Mobai.

Even when the retreat order was given, everyone was eager to leave.

They were afraid that if they left too late, they too would be dispersed by this handsome boy from the Divine Wood Sect.

Chu Zuoshu did not stop them. After all, they were even fewer in number. That they were able to hold off this attack on the mountain was an extraordinary feat.