Chapter 318 Fu Zongjue_1

After taking over the Spirit Stone Mine, the Divine Wood Sect wouldn't simply pillage and leave.

Under Weng Chuanyou's command, the Qi practitioners that they had transported via the Teleportation Array, began mining the stones, one after the other.

Although none of them were professionals, under the lure of the Spirit Stones, everyone was using their magic artifacts to dig, sparing no effort.

With a hundred Qi practitioners and the assistance of eight cultivators at the Foundation Establishment realm, they could mine raw ores worth seven to eight thousand spirit stones a day from this mine.

During this time, Ji Dingjin led his team in two field charges but was repelled back by Chu Zuoshu, who relied on superior manpower and meticulous battle arrays.

Inside the mine tunnel, Chen Mobai's "Red Misty Cloud Silk" scattered from his wrist.