Chapter 371: The Purple Electric Sword Suits Me_2

However, after Master Qing Jing passed away, the Five Thunder Academy immediately wanted to reclaim the Purple Electric Sword from the Nature Studies Academy, which they, of course, were reluctant to part with.

Both academies were equally powerful, and the dispute grew so large that the Hall Master of the Orthodox Law had to intervene, sending the pair of top-notch swords to the Sword Tower of the Mountain and Sea Academy.

Watching the drama unfold, the Mountain and Sea Academy could not help but laugh merrily as they accepted the swords.

"The ownership of the Qing Shuang Sword is clear, it belongs to the Nature Studies Academy. However, the Mountain and Sea Academy, following the command of the Hall of the Orthodox Law, has painstakingly nurtured it for over a hundred years, thus they hold the custody rights of the sword."