Punished II

"M-My Lord…" Hana felt her shoulders tense as her brows furrowed in a frown. She wished to speak but tried to keep it in.

Her husband's fury was almost a burning flame. No, she can't afford to provoke him further.

As she met his gaze, she worried about what decision he was going to make.

Sensing the danger in the underlying meaning of his words, fear enveloped Haruka as she hurriedly lifted her head, revealing the face that was entirely contoured in panic.

"F-Father…" she swallowed hard. "I-I.. promise, I am serious this time around," she pledged desperately with quivering lips, earning a rough scoff from him.

"Serious this time around? So, you have been playing and using my sympathy and kindness as a joke huh?"

"No. F-father, please no. I did not mean that."

She didn't know what her father was up to, but she could tell that it would be nothing favorable for her.

The fear of the unknown was greater than getting scolded and being punished when put together.

Mr. Ito no longer paid any attention to what his dear wife had to say. He waved her off just like he did prior, before announcing his decision.

"Listen and listen carefully. Haruka is not allowed to leave the house again…"

"Father!" Haruka interrupted in alarm as her eyes went agape in shock.

He was going to lock her up? For how long? How was that even possible?

Immediately Hana looked in her direction with a deadpan expression on her face.

"Haruka!" She called out in warning as her forehead wrinkled, forming a deep V at the space between her brows with a stretch of the corner of her lips.

She had interrupted her father, forgetting that it was a wrong move that signified a sign of disrespect on her own part.

It was not until her mother shouted her name, bringing her to a state of self-realization that she became self-conscious about the situation and hurriedly lowered her gaze.

Mr. Ito glared at her and continued, "She will stay indoors and be educated on the women's virtue. But if she must step out of the house, she has to leave with someone."

For the first time since she was born, he was going extreme with his punishment.

He knew that if he only scolded her, it wouldn't make any impact, hence he had to go to this length.

Although she was his beloved daughter, he could no longer condole her actions. Who knows if Daisuke wasn't around, then it meant he would have lost a child.

Hana was fine with his decision and let out a sigh of relief.

She had been concerned about the way their daughter was turning out and had been wanting to do something about it for a while now.

Thankfully, the opportunity had presented itself, and she was confident that Haruka would not dare to defy this edict unless she wanted to be cast out of the family.

Funny enough though, even her brother, Kenji felt his tensed shoulders start to relax as the crease on his forehead slowly smoothened out.

He had been afraid his father would go beyond this level of punishment.

He had been furious with his sister for stealing his katana and the trouble she would have brought to their family if she was caught by the officials, but all of that went away when she was about to be punished.

She was his little sister whom he loved since birth and he had a soft spot for her.

However, if they always spoiled her, she would end up having an unpleasant attitude which they did not want.

Haruka was the only one unhappy about her father's edict, but she dared not show her dissatisfaction.

She couldn't imagine not being able to stroll around freely and continue practicing with the katana.

She was tempted to ask her father for the reason she was no longer allowed to wield a sword, but just as the words came to the tip of her tongue, she swallowed them back in fear.

She was still under the punishment of kneeling. How could she dare to question her father in that condition?

It's not like she hasn't had enough.

Finally, when she was released half an hour later, she struggled to rise to her feet before almost limping away.

The little injuries she sustained from the fall over the small hill, had gotten worse after being forced to kneel.

Clasping the handle of the katana on the left side of her waist, her face wore a frown as her bare feet shuffled on the tatami floor along the corridor.

On coming to the tightly shut translucent sliding door next to one at the end of the hallway, her fingers clenched before it slowly moved up to gently knock twice.

The next thing that followed was the sound of quiet footsteps coming from inside the room.

Kenji pushed the door aside from inside, revealing his muscular naked upper torso. Thanks to his diligent training from childhood, he had achieved such body build.

Meeting his sister's dull gaze that revealed traces of her grudge, he felt sorry for her.

Haruka took out the sword from the sash around her waist before presenting it to him with one hand.

The sheath was lost, so there was no way she could hold it out to him with two hands, lest the sharp edge tore her flesh.

"I'm sorry for taking your sword. I also apologize for losing the sheath," she pleaded with a bow.

Lowering his gaze to the katana in her hands, Kenji took the sword from her to examine it as she turned around and walked towards the door next to his.

All through, he had his gaze escort her silently till she disappeared from his sight.

He could guess that she was still very angry with the punishment given to her but at this point, no one would pity her so much.

She had brought this upon herself.

Letting out a sigh, Kenji shook his head before retracting his steps into his room.

That night, Haruka let her stubbornness take over and refused to have her supper.

After failing to persuade her, Hana had no choice but to let her go to bed on an empty stomach.


Here is a bonus chapter dedicated to Mei_mei25.

Thank you so much for my first castle.