
Daisuke thought Naoki was playing a hide-and-seek game with him because he had never been given such kind of task before.

This was a children's game not one for adults. It seemed almost meaningless.

'Come find him when he was somewhere in the castle?' That didn't make any sense no matter how many times Daisuke thought about it.

Also, this was no time to play a game when he had a lot to catch up with in his 18 years of absence.

As much as he did not agree to this, it was still an instruction from his Master which must be carried out and with that, Daisuke's lashes fluttered close as he let out a deep breath.

Clenching his fists by his sides, his breathing slowed as his ears perked up to listen for any sound.

Knowing that Naoki was not going to let him find him so effortlessly even though the task seemed easy, he figured he could use one of his five senses instead of his human instinct which would result in him searching aimlessly and taking a long time.

A moment later, his lashes fluttered open as his gaze narrowed on the path ahead. Tilting his head a bit, Daisuke furrowed his brows in confusion.

'No sound? This can't be right.'

To Daisuke's surprise, he could not hear any sound apart from the gentle night breeze that came in through the open sliding window.

Now thinking that he must not have used his senses properly, he shut his eyes again and stilled his breathing, giving it one more try.

Using his powers, he blocked out the sound of the breeze as his ears perked to listen again.

Five seconds later, his eyes blinked open as a glint of surprise flashed through them.

He had failed to hear the sound of Naoki's breathing as well. Even that should not have been.

"Master seized his breath," he muttered under his breath, and at that guess, he raised his head immediately.

"He is testing me," he concluded.

There was no other explanation as to why Naoki would ask him to find him in the large castle with so many rooms and yet still cease his breath to make matters more difficult.

Once more he felt tired to play this game but when he recalled the fact that his master didn't have time to play around, Daisuke's thoughts changed totally.

There was always a reason for everything he did. And this further proved his point of being tested.

Having decided to take the challenge head-on, he shut his eyes.

Allowing his mind to wander, he recalled the scene on the street and that feeling of a powerful aura close by.

Immediately, one corner of his lips rose as a smirk turned up. He had discovered another way to find his master.

Quickly, he proceeded to shut off all of his senses to reduce distraction except for his skin.

Being the clever person he was, he was going to feel Naoki's aura and find him through it.

With that, he left his mind loose as his brows furrowed in concentration.

As soon as he felt that mysterious powerful air flowing from a certain path, he turned his body in that direction.

Spreading his hands out like the wings of an eagle, he took slow but long steps forward.

As he continued ahead, his footsteps became steady and soon, he was making his way up the wooden stairs while his right hand glided against the wall to carefully lead him until he got to a large long hallway.

Being acquainted with every corner of the house made it easier for him not to bump into any object.

Bringing his hands back to his side as he had no need for them anymore, he continued in his steady steps.

On the other hand, Naoki who was still sitting in the dark room looked expressionless as the sound of approaching footsteps nearby resounded in his ears.

But the glistening light in his purple eyes betrayed his carefree gaze.

'He found me.' He concluded in his mind.

'How did he do that?' He thought curiously but patiently waited for Daisuke to come in and give him an answer.

When Daisuke approached the tightly shut doors of the room Naoki was sitting in, a smile graced his face.

It wasn't easy had he not had the experience from earlier that day. Thankfully he did and this became like a child's game for him.

And as his hands touched the translucent screen, he muttered with excitement, "He is here," before pushing the door aside.

The instant he appeared in front of the door, Naoki's gaze landed on him, and he could feel it.

Still, Daisuke did not open his eyes until he had stepped into the room.

"Master," he called out as his eyes squinted open before his sight normalized, leaving the rest of his words buried within.

With a wave of Naoki's hands, the lanterns in the room turned on, once bringing light to the dark room.

"I see that you have found me," his Mozart-tenor voice stated as he met his right-hand man's gaze. "How did you that?" He inquired.

It was not that he wasn't expecting Daisuke to improve in his absence, but that he still found it unexpected for him to conclude the search so soon.

He had expected him to take his time.

Being asked that question, Daisuke took it as an opportunity to talk about his greatest fear.

"I used your weakness," he replied with a small nod, earning him a questioning brow from Naoki.

Without being told, he knew those arched brows meant to ask, 'What do you mean?'

"Master, the powerful aura surging from you is your weakness," Daisuke revealed as his excitement died down and his gaze turned serious.

"I see… that's how you found me," Naoki stated, nodding in understanding. "You are wise," he complimented.

"You felt it from there?" Naoki questioned with furrowed brows.

Daisuke nodded and said with the knowledge that Naoki had overheard the conversation between him and the Ito family,

"Yes, and Mr. Ito felt it as well. That was what made him curious about your identity of being a Lord."

Learning of this, Naoki nodded with a meaningful gaze but reserved his opinion.

Not satisfied with that outcome, Daisuke went further to give his suggestion respectfully as he lowered his head.

"Master, you need to curb it, otherwise you will be a subject of attraction, and this could draw the Daimyos to you."

Normally, being able to exude that kind of powerful aura was a good thing and one that was almost impossible to achieve despite being supernatural.

But as this could ruin his Master's meticulous plans over centuries, there was an urgent need for adjustment.

Raising his right hand, Naoki's sight shifted to the purple ring on his finger as his gaze narrowed at it almost immediately.

"It looks like I have to sharpen it."

Diverting his gaze from his face to the iconic ring on his finger, Daisuke made a note, "Master, I think it's because it has been inactive for a few years. If not, it should be able to trap some of your aurae just like before."

"You are right," Naoki admitted. "It must be because I have not used it for a while."

He lifted his thumb before lowering it to stroke the purple stone glistening in the brightly lit room.

His gaze and attention remained on it like he had been so captivated by a new light.

Daisuke stood by his side and watched the purple light emitting from his hand and flowing into the purple stone.

Naoki was already trying to trap some of his aurae without wasting any moment in further contemplation. Daisuke was right. It was dangerous for a weakness.

'It would be best if I continue to be on a low-key for a few more months. I have been absent for a long time, there are still some personal matters to take care of first .'

Naoki's thoughts wandered as he figured it was wise to stay low.

He had just woken up from a long coma, and there were so many things to catch up with. Until then, there shouldn't be a fault from his end.

When Naoki felt like he was good to go, he moved his thumb away as the lingering purple light completely vanished.

Raising his head, he instructed sternly, "Take ten steps away from this door. If you can still feel my aura from there, bring it to my notice at once."

"Yes, Master!" Daisuke replied with a slight nod of his head before turning to leave.

His katana which strapped steadfastly around his waist, shook with every movement made, signaling Naoki of his strong resolve in helping him fix things.

Leaving no room for any mistakes, Naoki was trying to make sure that the ring was able to absorb a good amount of aura.

This was his best call since his awakening, and he was glad he decided to test Daisuke as the problem was found on time.