
"Mother, this stuff is so hard," Haruka complained.

Her brows knitted tightly as she stared hard at her red thumb.

The young lady couldn't count how many times the needle had pierced into her thumb all in the name of learning how to sew.

The worst part was that she couldn't leave the spot she was sitting in, as her mother was watching her with a cane in her hand.

"You wield a sword all day, but the mere piercing of a needle actually does so much harm?" Ito Hana questioned as her sight narrowed at her.

Whom was her daughter trying to fool?

How could she say that needlework, a woman's job, was harder than playing around with a sword meant only for males?

That must be a big joke.

Haruka lifted her head further with pouted lips and uttered, "Mother, this is a lot harder. This sharp pointed tool has poked my fingers several times."

Narrowing her gaze at the tip of the needle, she huffed out a sigh and continued, "Even a sword hasn't poked me the number of times this needle has. The pain is difficult to bear."

The young lady looked annoyed as she laid her complaints before her mother, unafraid that she would be scolded severely.

The suffering had reached a point where she no longer cared about the consequences of her actions.

If possible, she would have escaped, but thinking of the consequences her actions would bring upon her later, she discarded those thoughts as soon as they came.

"You say it is not ladylike, but having so many scars on my fingers would most definitely not be a good…"

While Haruka busied herself with concerns that may affect her, Hana zeroed out her voice.

She was not going to tolerate her petty actions and immediately lounged the cane at her back.

"Ah!" Haruka cried out as her face contorted in pain.

She dumped the needle and the cloth on the stool set by her side as her hands quickly reached for her back in hopes of soothing the spot that was flogged.

"Now, do you know what real pain is?" Hana asked, annoyed at her.

She didn't regret hitting her beloved daughter who needed to be thought a lesson. If she had known better, she would have done so a long time ago and prevented raising an unruly naughty child.

At this point, if Haruka wasn't taught a lesson, then the world would not only blame her daughter but herself and her Lord.

After hardening her heart against her, it was very easy not to feel any pain and regrets from hitting her.

Since she had decided to take it upon herself to impact the women's virtue on her, she would make sure it was done correctly.

Haruka twisted her back as her hands rubbed frantically on the spot she was hit.

She shifted her gaze to her mother and maintained eye contact as her lips pressed tightly together.

It was obvious she didn't feel any remorse for her actions. On seeing the obvious little rebellious actions, Hana glared daggers at her.

"Do you want to fight me?" She interrogated as she immediately raised the cane.

Instantly, Haruka's gaze widened in realization, and without warning, she lowered her eyes and cried out while twisting her back further.

"Ah! Mother, it hurts! My back hurts! It hurrtttsss…"

Hana rolled her eyes at her exaggeration, but slowly brought the cane down.

"Stop your drama and pick up the needle," she instructed sternly.

She was not going to let her succeed with her craftiness.

Knowing that there was no way out, a soft sigh escaped from Haruka's lips as she straightened her back.

Picking up the needle and the piece of white cloth she was using to sew, she raised her left thumb to her mother's face.

"Mother see, my thumb has been poked so badly. If I don't take care of it, it will leave a scar and no man would want to marry me," she pointed out again and this time, more loudly.

Hana let out an exasperated sigh, puffing out air from her lips.

"If the poke from a needle could leave an ugly scar, what about the injury inflicted upon you by the sword you wield all day?" She asked, demanding an explanation as she refused to turn a blind eye to her nonsense.

"Mother!" Haruka called out as her shoulders slumped in defeat.

Her mother had all her excuses blocked, making her sometimes wish that she could ignore her. Sadly, her mother has gotten smarter and had also refused to fall for her tricks.

Staring straight into those eyes that were feigning pity, Hana said, "If your fingers actually hurt, I will take care of it."

Before Haruka could think as to what her words meant, she heard her calling for the maidservant.

Hana turned her gaze toward the tightly shut sliding door and called out urgently. "Ane! Ane…"

Hana's tone was loud enough and soon, sounds of quick approaching footsteps were heard.

'What is mother up to?' Haruka thought to herself with question marks all over her face.

She didn't have to ponder long because her mother's next instruction, did that for her.

Before Ane could approach the door of the small sitting room they were in, Hana instructed, "Ane, bring the medicine box."

"Yes, My Lady," Ane replied before turning around to walk back towards the path she had come from.

Hearing her retreating footsteps, Hana let out a soft sigh as a look of relief appeared on her face.

On the other hand, Haruka sat there dumbfounded. She had thought she would be given a break, but who knew that this was what her mother meant when she said, 'I will take care of it.'

"I did not ask for any treatment…" She muttered under her breath, furrowing her brows as the corners of her lips tugged downwards.

Sensing her annoyance, Hana looked her way and threatened immediately without batting an eye, "If you don't do well on the first day of training, there shall be no breakfast for you."

Glancing briefly at the badly sewn red thread on the piece of white cloth, she returned her gaze to her face and continued.

"Since you are so good at skipping along the streets, it wouldn't be a bad thing to try it with your morning meal."

In essence, Hana was asking her to try forgoing eating in the morning just like the way she abandons the ladylike manners to go about the streets.

Hearing this, Haruka felt a pain in her heart as she just sat there staring at her mother in disbelief.

She couldn't believe that the woman who had a soft spot for her would from this day not treat her gently.

Unlike before, she wouldn't have the heart to let her skip a meal as she has always been her concern and top priority.

Unfortunately, the impact of her actions from the previous day had gone too far to ruin the good heart of her family toward her.

Hana ignored her stares while patiently waiting for Ane to return.

When the maidservant returned, she put the wooden square-shaped box in her hands down.

Crouching down, Ane turned the four nails that were attached to the top and touched the body of the box upwards before removing the cover to reveal the contents of the box.

Quickly, she picked up the ointment in a small wooden round container and gazed up at Haruka with a small smile, "Miss, let me see your thumb."

If it was in the past, Hana would have tended to her daughter's wounds herself, but times had changed.

As her mother, she was being careful to not trigger the soft spot in her heart hence, she allowed her maidservant to take care of her.