
The sounds of heavy boots marking the tatami floors reverberated along the long corridor decorated with masterpieces of art on the walls.

The steps were coordinated and sounded like war drum rolls, a sound that brought fear to men and women of the faint-hearted.

"Send word to the Daimyos. I need their reports concerning that child!" Tokugawa Yoshimune instructed through gritted teeth as he took long strides along the hallway.

Then remembering the powerful aura he felt back there, he added, "They should assemble in three days."

There was a menacing scowl on his face as he gave that order. 

He was displeased about so many things and could hardly keep his fury under control.

"Yes, My Lord!" The two-armed samurais following behind him, roared in response, undertaking to carry out his order before retreating.

Barging into his large sitting chambers, his fingers balled into fists as his heavy breathing filled the entire space.