Her first vision


Now left in his inner wear, Naoki straightened his back as he shifted his gaze to her face.

The same moment, his purple eyes glowed powerfully to the extent of being able to illuminate the entire room.


Watching his eyes glow in the dark, Haruka couldn't bring herself to stare at it any longer, plus she was afraid.

What did he want to do now?

Was he a blood sucking demon?

Was he going to eat her flesh and swallow it down with her blood?

Was he going to punish her like the Shogun and his Daimyos would have done if they had caught her?

Was their marriage a sham and a disguise just to get her?

Right when all those negative thoughts were flooding into her head without a moment of rest in between, she heard his gentle voice as his lips parted.

"Haruka, I am doing this to help you activate your powers. Soon, you will understand."