The need to be set free

The maidservant who left the palace returned with a bad news.

Naoki was not around, and none of the physicians knew where he lived.

As for when he would come to the clinic next, they knew nothing about it as he had only gotten married the previous day.

In summary, it would be impossible to get her request responded to.

It was understandable to not meet Naoki in the medicine store since it was not the day of the appointment he had given to the Empress.

But to say they didn't know when he would be coming, plus the fact that they had no way to ray the emergency message from the Empress to him broke their hearts.

Learning of the bad news, Himiko nearly collapsed but luckily, her maidservants caught her in time.

Helping her back into the bed, one of them suggest with a deep bow.

"Your Majesty, your situation gets worst as the sun rises. It is risky to continue like this without looking for help."