Chapter 11

"HAHAHAHA, you think you can kill me, kid?" The bandit laughed heartily. After seeing Arthur, the bandit leader was confident he could win this fight. He was nothing more than a 16-17-year-old kid who did not leave much of an impression after being seen.

"Oooh, I don't think so," He said with a slight pause "I know so!"


After saying those words, a small explosion came from Arthur's body before a faint red hue formed around his body. Arthur did not know when, but at some point, his body could instinctively just summon the power of Aura.


"You think you are the only one with Aura?" Another small explosion sounded as the bandit leader summoned a small red hue.

"HAHA, good! It would be boring otherwise!" Arthur said with an even wider green. Another form of pressure came from his body, which shocked the bandit leader. The power of his battle intent made the bandit leader feel like he was a mouse being played with by a cat.

Before the Bandit could say anything, Arthur used all the power he had to kick off the ground and charge at the bandit. Arthur left a trail of dust as he charged forward, making it look like he was running faster than a horse galloping.

Arriving in front of the bandit leader, he swung his sword from the top down towards the bandit's head with all the power he had. The bandit leader lifted up his sword to block the strike.


With the momentum of his speed and the power of his swing, the power with which Arthur's sword hit the bandit's sword was enough to make a small explosion. The bandit leader was sent flying for a few meters before landing on his feet again, while Arthur was still standing at the spot where they had just collided.

None of the other men there were fighting, as they were all aware that the outcome of this small duel would be the outcome of the whole battle. If the bandit leader won, he would have the power to slaughter Arthur's teammates and vice versa.

Arthur wanted to charge at the bandit leader again, but he had appeared in front of Arthur without Arthur knowing.

"Now, DIIIIIE!" The bandit leader yelled as he started his barrage at Arthur.

This barrage was much more savage than the one he had done against Emily earlier, as he had support from Aura this time. Arthur had a harder time than Emily had had earlier. Arthur got a lot of deep and shallow cuts, but none hit fatal spots, as Arthur used all his energy to protect those.

Feeling that his opponent is losing at this moment, the bandit leader stops his barrage by looking at the battered Arthur. Arthur had deep cuts all over his body. His uniform was barely clinging to his upper body, while a chunk of the right side of the stomach had been cut off.

Emily, Ethan, Ned, and Franz were currently looking at their leader with teary eyes. The state he was in was miserable, and it was not a state that they wished anyone would be in.

Emily wanted to run over and see if he could do something for Arthur, but he was held back by Franz. Although Franz had teary eyes at this moment, he had seen something that none of the others had seen.

Arthur's eyes, there was no pain at all. There was still the will to fight, and there was still a fire burning in them. This made it, so Franz did not want to give up, and he thought that Arthur might still have a plan.

What Franz did not know the reason for this was not that Arthur had any idea of what to do. Arthur didn't really know what was going on either. It felt like something was awakening inside of him. He did not like this feeling, though, as it felt ice cold and lonely. He could not describe the feeling even if they asked him to, but it felt like no one wanted him in this life.

Feeling this loneliness deep inside of him, he thought of the men in his team. He lifted his head and looked straight at the bandit leader. For some reason, though, all he could think of was death to his enemies. He looked the bandit leader straight in the eyes. Seeing Arthur's bloodshot eyes, the bandit staggered backward in fear.

What the bandit leader saw was not a young man in pain but the cold and desolate eyes of death. Looking into Arthur's eyes, all he could feel was falling into the depths of a deep, dark bottomless pit. He felt fear, nothing else but fear.

Even Emily, Ethan, Ned, and Franz, who were standing at the side, felt the pure coldness coming from Arthur. It was no longer battle intent he was letting out, but pure killing intent, which almost made them faint.

"DIE!" The hoarse voice of the wounded Arthur suddenly sounded as his sword pierced the heart of the bandit leader.

"NOOOOO!" The bandit leader was still frozen from fear, but the stab made him scream in pain before he fell to the ground, never to stand up again.

After the bandit leader fell to the ground, Arthur looked at the other bandits. They all saw Arthur's eyes, and the fear overcame all of them. None of them made a sound before they all fell to the ground.

Arthur then looked at his teammates, his eyes not changing. He looked at them like he was looking at his enemies. They felt like a hand had taken a hold of their hearts, and if that had squeezed, they would seize to breathe.


Their legs started to wobble before they saw Arthur falling to the ground. He had expended all the energy he had to do this. The wounds were not light either, so his body did not have the ability to keep standing anymore.

"What the hell was that?" Not knowing what was going on, Franz had to ask in a shocked voice.

"No idea! It seemed quite dangerous, though!" Remembering back the look Arthur had in his eyes, Ethan could not help but shiver again.

"We won't know anything before he wakes up again!" Emily said with a serious face. "Let us tie the bandits up and wait for Arthur to wake up again!" Emily took charge at this point. All the others seemed quite flustered.

At the moment of their conversation, Arthur was sitting in something that seemed like pure darkness. He could see no longer than to his fingertips. Beyond that, everything was black. He felt nothing in here, no pain, no coldness, no warmth. It felt like he and everything around him was empty.

He tried to see if there was anything but this darkness, but he could not see anything. This made him stand up and try to walk around. He was not the type of person who could just sit and wait. He needed to get out of this place, whatever it was.

The more he walked, the worse he felt about this situation. No matter how many meters he walked, the sight in front of him was the same all the way through.

"Where the fuck am I!?!" Not knowing what to do, he yelled out in frustration.

A few minutes of silence went by again. He was just standing, looking like he was hopi9ng for an answer. It just never came.

'What should I do?' He started to ponder a little. He felt he could do absolutely nothing in this situation.

As he was in his thoughts, though, he started to feel a pair of eyes staring at his back. As he turned around, he saw no one, just more darkness. Going back to his thought, he felt the eyes on his back one more, but after turning around, the outcome was the same.

"Who is there?" Arthur once again. This time knowing that someone was looking at him.

The minutes went by once more, and no answer once again. Arthur was starting to get a little annoyed by the situation.

"So … you are a to be my successor?" A small light suddenly started to shine from within the darkness. It sounded like the voice came from there.

Arthur turned to the light and saw a tall man walking out. He looked old, but he looked like he could probably still beat anyone he set his mind on. He was tall, with pure white hair and a long white beard. His body was not muscular but lean, with perfectly toned muscle.

"Who are you!?" Arthur was instantly on guard as he put his arms up in a battle stance.

Oh, what is my name exactly?" The man started to ponder like he had no idea of the answer. "It has been so long, so I have forgotten … What I do remember, though, is that I was always called the warrior of darkness!" He said with a small smile.

"Warrior of darkness?" Arthur started to think, but he could not remember ever hearing about that name.

"Haha, you probably don't know me, as I died tens of thousands of years ago!" The man replied.

Hearing what he said, Arthur had a shocked expression. Arthur did not even know the plan had such a long history. All he knew was that the kingdom he lived in was one of the oldest and was no more than 3000 years old.

"Don't be so surprised … Most of the people in my generation died from a huge apocalypse! We don't know how or why it started, but many monsters started appearing and terrorizing our lands, killing 99% of humanity!" The man suddenly started explaining out of nowhere. "This might be the reason why you haven't heard of my name, and for all I know, countless apocalypses like that might have happened since then!"

"Wait, what the f*ck? Why are you saying all this!" Arthur had just been bombarded by some truly terrifying news. He had no idea of what to do with this news or why he told him that.

"Haha, sorry, I just felt like telling you this since I can feel this is something that will happen to your generation too, soon!" The old man said. "I can't talk much more, but we will meet again in the future! Oh, and before I forget, I have given you the ability to use my killing eyes … until next time!" After the man said the last words, he disappeared, and Arthur was once again alone in the darkness.