love and dangers

Azania had been starring at her husband's cringed eyebrows as he focused on the map in his hands.

"you could take some time to eat," she suggested as she gestured for a maid to bring the breakfast forward.

The young lad smiled politely at her and gestured for everyone else to leave.

"What are you working on?" Azania questioned as curiosity became evident on her bright brown eyes.

"I'm afraid it is confidential," Akuna dismissed her, his voice lacing a bit of concern as to why she would find such work as interesting. Could he have been suspicions? Maybe.

Azania prepared to sit opposite Akuna as she laid the food beside him.

"It doesn't require logic to understand that we have no affections for each other whatsoever," the little princess started as she prepared to hand over the little master boiled eggs.

Akuna raised his head from the map, and tried to pay attention to the young lady infront of him.

"It would be foolish of me to come alone into these foreign lands and cause harm to the only person I am left to rely on Akuna." When the table was fully sat, she kept her hands on her thighs.

Fidgeting with her fingers, she carried on to say, "And you? Akuna, you're alone, guided by the wolves you call your brothers. They pray each night you fall asleep and never awake, God knows the troubles you go through in order to assure your safety," Akuna had thought the princess to be straightforward. But never had he known her mouth wavered with only what was supposed to be said. She was undoubtedly smart, sincere at most, and carried loyalty most people lacked. For these alone, Akuna felt connected to her.

"and you tell me these because?" out of amusement, he couldn't stop himself but ask. He truly wished to know what more the princess could say.

"As far as I hate to say this, even a new born can discern that I need you. And so do you," Azania's eyebrows were already raised high enough, as her confidence steamed off her shoulders.

"But the thing is, love, I don't need you. I have survived long enough. I think I can take care of myself for another few years," Akuna stood from his chair and went to stand beside the young lady, not quite noticing his use of language.

Out of shock to have someone go against her word for the first time ever, Azania stood from her chair and was face to face with her husband.

"Your brothers must have been used to your schemes by now, for how long will they keep falling for them?"

"And you think you have the better brains to keep me safe?" Azania's breath had already been caught in her chest when she realised how close Akuna was to her. His head bowed to her height as he took mockery of her determination when she seemed so tiny.

"I am afterall my mother's daughter," Azania could only say, hoping he took notice of her mother's reputation, and could only add that she could take after her.

Akuna's eyes travelled along her light brown orbs, falling further into her determined eyes. Her dreadlocks had been laying carelessly, untied, as it was still morning, and her mourning hadn't come to an end, giving her such a seductive look. Her lips were so full and pink. They must have been as soft as they seemed, Akuna thought.

And Azania's confused look that had changed from being so hard to simply adorable, placed with confusion as to what was going on was what made Akuna move the few dreadlocks that had been on her face. His fingers had delicately traced back the hair behind her ear. With the mere contact of the skin, Akuna suddenly felt nervous and wondered if he had by any chance crossed a boundary.

"You definately are princess," Akuna grinned at her as he moved back to his sit. Amusement lacing his eyes, "you definately are your mother's daughter," he repeated once again, before taking a spoonful of the delicacies in front of him.

"you do understand that by knowing everything I do, you put yourself in harm's way." Akuna suddenly considered his options, knowing that, having someone he could trust would be better for him. It would be nice to have someone to rely on after all he had been through alone.

"What a coincidence, I love danger," The little princess grinned after hearing such words. She was pretty good at convincing alright. Who could really say no to her? She thought, as she continued to smile at herself seeming proud of how capable she could be.


"General, we have been camping here for more than three days, for how long should we wait for his highness?" A soldier had questioned, as he grew worry of how their heir apparent might not return.

"I have already sent news to the capital, the Queen will give us the orders. Until then, we wait until our hair turns grey if needs be," Eshe had been more than worried ever since Moti had disappeared with the cave.

She had seen a lot during this trip, she was considering not believing to mermaids anymore. She wondered how Moti was doing inside, with that vulgar Prince he had disappeared along with.

Had they already killed each other that they souls had long left their bodies? She could now imagine Moti laying dead, unresponsive, and cold. She shook her head not wishing to think of such any longer.

Her eyes travelled at the other group of warriors that camped a few metres away from them. They were definately as loyal to their prince as she was to hers.


Whilst inside the cave, the lads remained in interrogation, their ancestors questioning the virtues and value, as if they did not already know who was more worthy.

But then, they could not really know, the three children were raised from different circumstances, even worse, Alarick was not raised under their tribe, where would his priorities lie? Could they manage to take a gamble with him?

"You are to go through three tests," Their grandfather had risen from his sit, and he spoke for the very first time since they entered the room.

"you are to enter three rooms that will test your mind and heart," he carried on to say.

"That should be easy," Moti thought out loud, before realising he had just looked down on the people above him.

he cleared his throat, "for anyone who is worthy," he carried on to say, hoping to clearer the air.

A door magically appeared infront of the three, and they were gestured to enter. "Hold on to my hand little cousin, you don't know what we shall face inside," the little boy held the both his older cousins tightly, feeling a little safe and secure to be with them both.

They all entered, and the door disappeared after them. The first ancestor stood from her sit silently as she walked to the centre of the room. "I am angry that both the tribes have decided to send these children to such danger just to gain power. They are aught to be punished." she boldly commanded as she went straight to the previous Heavenly General.

"I shall not be condemned for my daughter's mistakes," The grandfather looked away, feeling ache for what her daughter was about to face.

"I understand that, which is why it is her that we will punish," she shrugged her shoulders as if it was the most obvious thing there was.

"Mother, what do you plan to do?" The similar looking daughter stood from her chair in worry, afraid that her mother would do more harm than good.

"I will let them face the fury of the dead," she replied simply. "And not just our kingdom, Alarick Lwazi's as well, along with the one where our grandchild married, not forgetting the Warriors dirtying our holy lands."