Information Competition - Part 3

It seemed my standard mission gave more than just experience now. I gained some Vampire Tokens which would be useful, however, I was confused about what a 'lesser upgrade token' was. I had no idea what that was meant to be used for. I guess I'd find out sooner or later though, based on how my system works.

From the looks of my missions, there seem to be quite a few exercise-related ones, which are relatively easy to complete and rewards me with Vampire Tokens. I decided to just keep doing those for the time being—it would benefit me to improve my fitness anyways. I opened my missions menu.


1. Do 400 burpees (Difficulty: 11)

2. Defeat a level-2 Esper or above (Difficulty: 13)

3. Do a 10km run (Difficulty: 7)


I put on my shoes and prepared to go outside for the run. It was the afternoon so the weather was quite nice, it was a little dark but not too dark. It would be nice to wind down before my fight tomorrow.

I locked my front door and began jogging down the footpath.

Generally, not very many people watch the qualifier or even the preliminary rounds. This was because the fights are not very interesting and they would also be too busy practicing for their future fights. However, every battle is technically open to all the students of the school so anyone can watch any fight. There is no entry fee and there are food vendors near the arenas so people can buy a snack and watch a fight.

The fresh air was quite nice. The gentle breeze brushed against my face, I noticed that most of the pain from my injuries had subsided and I was as close as I was going to be to tip-top condition for my fight tomorrow. I looked down at my phone where I had a GPS tracking app installed and saw that I had done two of the ten kilometres. I still had a quite a long time to go.

Through the afternoon, I continued jogging along the footpath, periodically stopping to cross the street or if there were a group of people on the sidewalk. After almost an hour, I finally finished my run and arrived back at my house.


1. Do 400 burpees (Difficulty: 11)

2. Defeat a level-2 Esper or above (Difficulty: 13)

3. Do a 10km run (Difficulty: 7) - COMPLETED [+71 experience, +3 Vampire Tokens, +1 Lesser Upgrade Token]


1. Do 400 burpees (Difficulty: 11)

2. Defeat a level-2 Esper or above (Difficulty: 13)

3. [Situational Mission! 2x rewards!] Get an SCS of 80 or above (Difficulty: 14)


Looks like the next mission wasn't exercise based. SCS is an acronym for Scaled Combat Score, which is given to every participant of the Esper tournament who fought in at least one match. It is based on a very large number of factors and is a number which determines your rank and your combat ability.

An 80 SCS is around the ability of a level-2 Esper, which means that it shouldn't be too difficult to obtain.

I still had the 400 burpees to do so I had a little break and some water and got onto the floor to do the burpees. It honestly wasn't that difficult and it was more time-consuming than tiring. After almost half an hour, I finally finished and checked my missions menu.


1. Do 400 burpees (Difficulty: 11) - COMPLETED [+119 experience, +11 Vampire Tokens, +2 Lesser Upgrade Tokens]

2. Defeat a level-2 Esper or above (Difficulty: 13)

3. [Situational Mission! 2x rewards!] Get an SCS of 80 or above (Difficulty: 14)


1. Spend 3 hours in Haven (Difficulty: 9)

2. Defeat a level-2 Esper or above (Difficulty: 13)

3. [Situational Mission! 2x rewards!] Get an SCS of 80 or above (Difficulty: 14)


Well the next mission seemed quite easy. All I needed to do was sit in Haven for three hours, I technically didn't even need to do anything. Although, I did want to try to earn some more experience and improve my swordsmanship so it was quite convenient for me.

I sat down on my bed and pricked my left index finger with a toothpick.

Suddenly, I was transported to Haven. Behind me, was the Haven shop, which had a very large amount of goods as usual. Well, I needed to spend three hours here so I might as well grind some experience with these missions.

I opened my Haven missions menu.


Once you accept a mission, the monster or substance will spawn.

1. Kill a Skeleton Guard [Difficulty: E-]

2. Complete the Adagross Dungeon [Difficulty: F+]

3. Kill a Fallen Magician [Difficulty: E+]


Alright, I'll take on a Skeleton Guard.

At my command, a cloud of smoke gathered in a pile above the soft green grass. Before long, a Skeleton Guard appeared and looked straight at me. I summoned [Blood Blade] into my hand and raised it.

It charged at my with a longsword in its hand. I bent my knees and carefully observed its movements. As it swung its blade towards me, I quickly jumped back and avoided the strike. I was still likely not strong enough to effectively sustain a swing from it. I still needed to avoid its attacks.

After a few more dodges, I was able to recognise its rhythm and easily dodged the rest of its attacks. Every once in a while, it would try a feint against me, it seemed that it was learning my movements as well. I probably shouldn't drag this fight on for too long or it might learn to counter my strategies.

I continued dodging its attacks and swung at its neck, chipping away a little bit of bone every time. After several more swings, its neck bone was finally weak enough for me to cut down. It raised its sword to swing at me, well, I could tell that it was a feint, so I waited for its actually attack and swiftly jumped back and dodged it. As it regained its posture and raised its sword again, it was already too late for it.

In one large smooth motion, I swung at its neck with all my might and cut it clean off. A pile of bones crashed to the ground before scattering.


Once you accept a mission, the monster or substance will spawn.

1. Kill a Skeleton Guard [Difficulty: E-] - COMPLETED [+495 experience]

2. Complete the Adagross Dungeon [Difficulty: F+]

3. Kill a Fallen Magician [Difficulty: E+]


Oh yeah, I forgot that I didn't have my experience potion. I guess I'd buy another.