I looked at the piece of paper.
{Form a contract with a farmer and gain passive rewards. Upgrade your famer with Upgrade Tokens. Collect the rewards from the contracts menu. Choose from the below options on which farmer to form a contract with.
Lucky Farmer: 10% more likely to receive rare drops.
Efficient Farmer: 5% more experience gain.}
I had two options to pick from. I had no idea what rare drops consisted of but it sounded like they were somewhat unique to this area. I could simply just grind for more experience via other methods so I decided to pick the Lucky Farmer.
{Contract Formed}
Suddenly, a farmer appeared in the pen and started to kill the pigs.
Wow, it really just appeared.
I opened the contract menu and had a look at it.
[Lucky Farmer]
Experience: 0/10
Upgrade Level: 0%
I assume that the upgrade level was related to the upgrade tokens that I was given, I decided to just put all of my lesser upgrade tokens into it.
[Lucky Farmer]
Experience: 0/10
Upgrade Level: 1.89%
Well it didn't look like a great increase but I had no idea how it was supposed to scale. I continued to look at it slowly killing the pigs one by one as they spawned in. There wasn't really anything else for me to do here so I decided to leave The Farm and make my way back home.
I still had two stat points to apply so I opened my stat menu. I guess I'd put a point in strength and a point in speed since it'd be useful for my next fight.
Strength: 4+1/100
Speed: 2+1/100
Agility: 1/100
Spatial Awareness: 1/100
Since I was in the zone, I guess I'd check the shop as well.
For Sale (Refreshes every day):
[Grenade] - 3 Vampire Tokens
[1 stat point] - 100 Vampire Tokens
[Random Uncommon Ability] - 150 Vampire Tokens
[Farmer Contract] - 200 Vampire Tokens
There were quite a few expensive things for sale. Even with all my newfound wealth, I could still only buy a grenade or a stat point. The Famer Contract looked quite appealing but it would take quite a long time before I would be able to afford it. In the end, I decided to just get another stat point and leave myself with 21 Vampire Tokens.
I took my new stat point and put it into strength.
Strength: 5+1/100
Speed: 3/100
Agility: 1/100
Spatial Awareness: 1/100
I could feel the increase in strength in my arm. I had put a quite a lot of points into strength I could quite overtly feel it in my arm. I feel like I could throw a bowling ball like a tennis ball. It was quite a satisfying feeling.
Now that I had done all I could, it was about time for me to get ready for the fight tomorrow. I sustained a few minor injuries from the multiple fights with the Skeleton Guard so I decided to make my way to the healing pod and let my injuries heal. I wanted to start the fight off in optimal shape tomorrow.
I got into the recovery pod and lied on the comfortable bed for around an hour. By the time I got up again, all my injuries were practically fully healed. I finally decided to travel back to my house and get something to me.
It was dinner time. Well, conventional dinner time.
I didn't eat lunch at school again so I was really hungry. I didn't have anything in the fridge and I lived alone so no one else was going to come and make me dinner. I decided to just do the usual and make my way to the local convenience store to grab some instant ramen or something. I put on some outdoor clothes and made my way out into the night.
It was a little chilly but it wasn't like I wasn't used to it. The convenience store was a few hundred metres away and thought about the delicious food I was about to buy. Well, I classified it as delicious since it was like the only thing I ever ate and I was starving just about the entire day. As I got closer to the convenience store, I noticed a very large group of people.
'You are under arrest by Spectrum-Judgement, do not resist!'
It was one of the various organisations around the city that kept order. Spectrum-Judgement and the National Police Organisation were the two major ones around this area. The NPO generally acts using military-style weapons and conventional tactics whilst Spectrum-Judgement was a force primarily made up of Espers. The members of Spectrum-Judgement were all around high-school-age which was somewhat odd.
It appeared that there had just been some conflict as I could smell smoke in the air. There were around five members of Spectrum-Judgement arresting what appeared to be three criminals. There was also an ambulance which was caring for some people who seemed to be injured. I didn't want to get involved in the situation at all and just made my way into the convenience store, completely ignoring them.
I was greeted by the large automatic doors of the food oasis and looked around at the various things I could buy. My budget was on a tightrope after purchasing that flashbang so I didn't really have much money left to spend on food. I just grabbed the cheapest bag of instant ramen I could find and pre-cooked sausage from the heater.
'That'll be $2.80.'
I pulled the money out of my wallet and handed it to the clerk.
'Have a nice day.'
I made my way outside and noticed that the conflict had basically been completely resolved, the Spectrum-Judgement vehicle and the ambulance were gone and it was eerily silent all of a sudden.
Oh well, I just want to go home and eat dinner.
My fight was tomorrow at 9:30am. I would go to the arena and watch some of the prior matches at around 7:00am and warm up before my match. I wanted to get a good amount of sleep this night so I quickly made my way home and boiled some water before pouring it into the plastic container.
The flavour-filled vapour filled my nostrils as I chopped up some of the sausage and added it to the broth. This really was heaven.
Let's see how far through the tournament I can make it.