
"Negation!" He then screamed suddenly as the beasts were just about to bust in.

As soon as he said it the beasts had certain parts of their bodies completely reduced to ash and Madden began to scream out in extreme pain.

The parts of the beasts that had infiltrated the Gold sphere had been completely destroyed; half their heads, their arms, their legs and so on.

"What in the living hell!!!?" I screamed in surprise as I saw the captain slowly descend through the Sphere.

"The situation has been neutralized." The Captain said calmly and landed right beside the Parade board.

He looked to his right and saw me sitting there without the bandages over my eyes and he got irrationally and unexpectedly angry and enraged.

He looked at me with what I could only think of as pain and angst in his green eyes and then he raised his palm into the air.

I recognized him, he was the Defender Superior that thought Sharpe was running off at the mouth illogically and punished him swiftly.