Sorcery Rundown

As the Aux chapter name should suggest this is a basic rundown of the Sorcery types and sub types, it is a very elaborate one, so be ready.


1.) Primal Sorcery:- This includes Imbuement and Conjuration. Using one of these Sorceries as the basis of all other Sorceries was the norm and was expected but after an era of Ancestors saw that both could be used at once and only made them much stronger it was more rational and logical for Sorcerers to not only be able to Imbue but Conjure, although a few groups wish to retain the teachings of their old-generation Ancestors who were practitioners of just one of the Primal Sorceries and branches that they present.

-Primal Imbuement Sorcery: This is the simple use of energy from within, it involves gathering Energy to infuse or imbue it into the Sorcerers body or their weapons, it is the basis of sorcery.

-Primal Conjuration Sorcery: or otherwise known as Emanation Sorcery, this is the use of energy to manifest rather extreme changes and phenomenon outside rather than within, it is the basis of most Elemental Sorcery and other Sorcery Variants and self-created Denominations of Sorcery.

2.) Basic Sorcery:- Basic Sorcery includes Enforcement Sorcery and Engravement Sorcery which utilize the Primal Sorcery Variant of Imbuement and Elemental Sorcery that utilize mainly the Primal Sorcery Variant of Conjuration.

- Basic Enforcement Sorcery: This is the Absorption of the nigh-limitless amounts of Energy flowing in the World for the purpose of supporting the fragility of one's body which is indeed a constrain to Sorcerers, it must be the First Sorcery Variant to be learned to prepare the body for other Variants. It involves using unaffected Energy to support melee attacks and acting as support for the bones so they won't shatter.

-Basic Engravement Sorcery: This is the Absorption of the Nigh-limitless amounts of Energy flowing in the World for the purpose of Strengthening objects and most likely Weapons to enable them to be Battle-ready and exert effects like when the body is Enforced. Engravement is Basic but like Enforcement it must be learnt as well before any other Sorcery Variant can be pursued, even Element utilizing Sorcerers have to learn how their Elements can be Engraved into their Weapons and armour.

-Elemental Sorcery; This entails three sub types: Energy, Matter and Elysian. It is mainly the control over a particular Element and being able to learn one of these Elements easily is determined by the manner in which the Core or the Soul Absorbs and Exerts Energy. (Simply, a sizzling Aura equals Flame, a cool and calm Aura equals Frost.) Having an Affinity for one of the Elements does not restrict a Sorcerer from using or learning other Elements.

Sub Types:

+ Energy Elemental Sorcery: This comprises of three Elements of three schools involving Energies;

*The School of Fire and Heat {Flame}: This comprises of the understanding of the usefulness and destructive capabilities of Flame. Mastery leads to increased control over its heat, brightness and size which is naturally unpredictable. Like all of the Elemental Sorceries it involves Conjuration Sorcery but can be utilized when there is an efficient Flame source. Users can create, cast and manipulate the temperature of Flame and an environment, they can cause the temperature of objects to build up and utilize other flame-oriented Techniques. [Pyrokinesis]

[Branches include Plasma Elemental Sorcery and Molten Elemental Sorcery]

*The School of Ice, Cold and Gelidity {Frost}: This comprises of the understanding of how easy Ice can be to control and how hard it could get, ice can be Chaotic and simple at any point in time but mastery leads to it mostly being structured, latticed and light. It involves Conjuration Sorcery but Ice can be created by lowering the temperature of the surrounding air until solid ice forms or freezing water from an efficient source. Users can create, shape and manipulate ice and with enough focus they can freeze an object completely and utilize other ice-oriented Techniques. [Cryokinesis]

[The branches of this School of Elemental Sorcery are not so different from their base and all can be achieved without much specialization like in other Schools.]

*The School of Energy and Electricity {Lightning}: This comprises of the understanding of how fluid yet rigid lightning could be, the swiftness and random nature of lightning makes it the most valued Elemental affinity to acquire and the assumed most powerful Elemental Sorcery as Lightning is the Element most similar to the unlimited Energy flowing in the World. Mastery leads to extreme and tremendous control of the Element and the control of its unpredictability by its user, masters could produce usable Energy for themselves from specific Techniques, could increase their speed tremendously which imitates teleportation and even drain the Energy out of other Sorcerers and the environment in battle [Although most of this was achievable to Ancestors and is extremely tedious to achieve now]. It involves Conjuration Sorcery but can be drawn from agitated thunder clouds which are commonly regarded as the Gods' Platform in common folklore. Users can create, limitedly shape and manipulate Lightning

[Branches include Magnetic Elemental Sorcery, Electric Current Elemental Sorcery and Static Electricity Elemental Sorcery upon other lesser-known ones.]

+Matter Elemental Sorcery: This comprises of three Elements of three Schools involving the states or phases of matters;

*The School of Air and Breath {Wind}: This comprises of the understanding of the utter importance of the concepts of Air and Wind, how marvelous it can be as a life giver and how chaotic it can become as a destroyer caused by agitation. It is the most avoided and detested Elemental sorcery after Shadow Elemental Sorcery because of how dangerous the Ancestors made it seem in their Books of Knowledge as some of their well known users have been able to draw the breath and hence the life out of their victims without much of a problem, most Kingdoms and Families try to suppress the growth of their citizens and kin that possess this element as their Affinity as the Books Demonize it almost as much as the Shadow element and Dark Energy Sorcery. Upon mastery it enables its users manipulate wind and create phenomenon from measly Wind currents to devastating Cyclones and being able to manipulate the breath within the lungs of Sorcerers in battle. [Although only recognized to happen during the time of Ancestors] In the Books of Knowledge and common Folklore it is explained that the Affinity of being able to manipulate this Element is the tainting of a god made concept by the demonic Destroyers. There is actually no use for Conjuration sorcery in this Elemental school as Wind is all around but Conjuration is possible nonetheless.

[There are no known branches as no Ancestors with this Affinity lived too long, as the other Ancestors hunted and executed the known users like they did the Shadow Affinity Users.]

*The School of Fluids and liquids {Water}: This comprises of the understanding of the amazing capacities a good moderation of Water can embrace and how much life can be affected by extreme measures of Water. It is the most revered Elemental sorcery and has strict teachings whereby the healing and life-giving aspects and combat-fit dangerous aspects cannot be learnt simultaneously as one must be forfeit for life, this determines their orientation in life and in some cultures and Kingdoms is decided purely by gender. Upon mastery it allows for the complete manipulation of water and other liquids and the tempered ability to change its shape and basic properties at will with the correct amount of Energy invested within it. Provides great defense, nigh-unparalleled healing and amazing offense. In the Books of Knowledge its major Practitioners are Ancestors that use it mainly for healing purposes. There is actually no use for Conjuration sorcery in this Elemental School as water is located at important water bodies and can be drawn and maximized from the air although Conjuration is possible.

{Branches include Vapor Elemental Sorcery and branch into the Energy element of Frost which is only accessible to those who have an Affinity for Frost directly or those chosen to use the element of water for Offense.]

*The School of Rock, Metal and Minerals {Earth}: This comprises of the understanding of the sheer rigidity and stubbornness of the earth and how utterly immovable and solid it can be and how light and smooth it can become with moderation. It mostly involves stern and rough movements at the utmost of discipline to have any effect at all as Earth is a tricky Element. Upon Mastery, components of Earth can be manipulated without being tedious and with the flick of a wrist can be crumbled to dust and recollected into a hard mass. [In the hands of the Ancestors as told int the books of Knowledge Earth can be made to be fluid-like and extremely smooth instantly if the right discipline is in play.] most of its users are gifted the Talent to use Fortification Sorcery to high levels and the Element of Earth itself provides great defense and offense. It is widely known as the hardest to learn and understand of all the Elemental Schools and those who awaken an Earth Affinity are said to be cursed to grovel in the dust.

[Branches include Metal Elemental Sorcery and Mineral Elemental Sorcery. Metal elemental Sorcery can also be said to branch into Alloy creation Sorcery which is much more difficult to handle and maintain.]

+Elysian Elemental Sorcery: Otherwise known as Special Scenarios when they occur in Humans as they mainly occur in high leveled Beasts like Dragons, Fallen Angels, Fiends and so on. Since it merely appears in high leveled Beasts there are no Schools but there are Orders.

*The Order of Noise, Acoustics and Music {Sound}: This is an Order in which the disciplines surrounding the power of Sound are learnt and understood thoroughly. There are a few branches to it and it is spread amongst a few Beasts like the Elves who specialize in Harmony creation in Sound and the Dragons and the Berserk Ursidae and a few others mainly are practitioners of uncoordinated Noise.

Mastery on the Harmonical side allows for the creation of ethereal weaponry of sound that exist for only the moment that the sound exists and vanish when the sound is uncoordinated or put to an end. While Mastery on the Uncoordinated side allows for the creation of chaotic sounds of war and discord, they can barely maintain weapons of Sound and when they do, they are jagged and weird.

*The Order of Chemical compounds {Chemic}: This is an Order in which the disciplines surrounding the power of Inorganic and Organic Chemicals are understood with logical and critical thinking. This Order is one that only appears in High leveled Beasts destined to be extremely intelligent. It has been recorded that only Beasts born as Fallen Angels have been seen with this Elysian Elemental Affinity.

Mastery allows for the exceptional Talent for Chemical handling and creation for a variety of things.

[Not much is known about this Elysian element but it may seem that it is similar to The School of Fluids and Liquid and the Order of Noise, Acoustics and Music; They are expected to have just one Specialization in Organic or Inorganic. This is an assumption based on the fact that in a Book of Knowledge where an Ancestor encountered the Kin of a Fallen angel who could only manipulate the Organic and spoke about the Inorganic like a distant dream.]

*The Order of Night and Darkness {Shadow}: This is an Order in which the disciplines surrounding the power of the Darkness are embraced magnificently, this allows for a large variety of Techniques available to its users. It is an Elysian Elemental Sorcery that is shrouded in mystery as expected and is likened to Black Magic/Wizardry. Mastery allows for the manipulation of shadows and darkness, conjure and shape it, users also seem to be able to affect the orientation of Souls like when wizards use Enchantment and are able to affect luck as they attract bad luck.

This Elysian Affinity is mostly found in the higher Beasts of the Abyssal Species, Fallen Angels, Fiends and Demonic Destroyers. For these species it serves as a basis for Chaotic Sorcery.

[No particular Books of Knowledge have mentioned much use of this Shadow Affinity in humans as expected but this could be because all the Human users were hunted and executed on the basis of being Fiends.]

*The Order of Ether {Light}: This is an order in which the disciplines surrounding the unnatural power in Light are embraced properly, it is a weakened and lesser version of Divine Sorcery and is usually its basis in Protectors of Light and Dictators, it is said that The Order Of Ether along with the Order of Power are branches of Divine Sorcery that non-divine beings can utilize. It allows for the propagation, manipulation and conjuration of Light, it is the most revered Elysian Elemental Affinity and when found in humans is regarded as the sign that The gods has looked upon a Tribe, Family or Kingdom. Those with this Affinity as humans are even worshipped as gods or children of gods.

It is only found in Protectors of light, Dictators and rarely found in High leveled Beasts and Humans.

*The Order of Power and Strength {Force}: This is an Order in which the Disciplines surrounding the natural power of physical properties like the Interactive force of gravity, mass and momentum. Mastery invites the ability to manipulate and alter the strength of gravity and the mass of a variety of objects, they can increase their densities and so on. [Most of this seems to only be accessible to the few humans who have Force as their Affinity and is left unexplored as it is stated that a Sorcerer with this Affinity was responsible for the first Extinction.] Since having an Affinity doesn't restrict you from using other Elements most users of Force pursue the School of Rock, Metal and Minerals. This Elysian Element is considered the second part of the Divine blessing from The gods as the manipulation of Gravity is another perk of Divine Sorcery, it is also a basis of Divine Sorcery for Protectors of Light and Dictators.

3.) Psionic Sorcery:- This involves Primal Imbuement Sorcery and mostly revolves around the concept of the Mind being the intermediary between the Core and the body. It involves the Extrasensory.

*Psychic Schools: With a specific manner of Energy Imbuement to the mind, most Sorcerers could become Psychic and be able to perceive otherwise imperceptible concepts and be sensitive to them.

[It has a Basis in Divination Sorcery.}

*Telepathic Sorcery: This involves the manipulation of Energy in ways that it can transfer and transmit information from one independent mind to another. Mastery could allow for the transfer of will and Quasi-Volitions from a human to another.

[It has a Basis in Puppeteer Sorcery.]

*Telekinetic Sorcery: This involves the ability for the Sorcerer to directly affect objects without the application of physical force, with the right manner of Energy output objects and people can be moved in battle without any effort, it involves complete concentration, hence Sorcerers that have this as their main Sorcery Variant rarely talk.

4.) Particle Sorcery:- This involves the ability to Conjure, manipulate, imbue, enforce and Engrave particles. It can be confused as variants that should be under Elemental but the Ancestors thought otherwise. [Although these Sorceries are commonly used by Sorcerers with Element Affinities that match the Particle.] It is not a major type of sorcery as it cannot be used alone rather it is a Support Sorcery that is used to make other variants all the more formidable.

*Ash Manipulation Sorcery: As the name indicates, it gives the power for Ash conjuration and manipulation for anything the imagination of the Sorcerer can think of. It can be enforced and Engraved so weapons can be fashioned from the ash, it can be used as simple camouflage or covering for hiding or escaping and can be used as a Sensory Sorcery in which the Ash can be scattered and movements within them can be sensed. [Used mostly by Flame Sorcerers.]

*Sand Manipulation Sorcery: As the name indicates, if mastered it grants the ability to manipulate Sand to the Sorcerers will. Sand is naturally too loose for Earth Sorcerers to manipulate freely but Practitioners of Sand Sorcery can manipulate it freely. [Used mostly by Earth Sorcerers]

5.) Communication Sorcery:- This is mostly a Sorcery Variant that allows for the ability for a Sorcerer to Commune with beings around them for the execution of their will.

*Beast Communication Sorcery: This is the Sorcery Variant in which Beast Servants and Familiars can be acquired, with it a Sorcerer can freely Commune with even Non-sentient Beasts and force their will upon them. Most Sorcerer just use it to achieve a Familiar or Beast companion but practitioners that have this Variant as their main Sorcery can control armies of Beasts easily.

*Nature Communication Sorcery: This is a Sorcery Variant that grants an affinity to all flora and fauna. Masters can lightly absorb Energy without focus in really lush areas, they can summon vines and plant life for battle, healing, protection and restriction. It is a Variant mostly pursued along with Beast Communication since it makes it all the more powerful. Mastery allows for the creation of luxuriant forests with the flick of a wrist, the creation of Natural neurotoxins and so on.

6.) Sensation Sorcery:- Sorcery Variants that revolve about the feelings the human body can feel.

*Pain Administering Sorcery: This is a Variant that agitates the Pain Receptors in the victim's body and the Sorcerer can manipulate the kind of pain they feel and where they feel it, it is almost impossible to master this Variant and has never been documented.

*Pressure Administering Sorcery: This administers heavy pressure to parts of the body unnaturally and could be used to squash small beasts completely. Again, it is almost impossible to master and has never been documented.

*Pleasure Administering Sorcery: One used by Harlots and a few female Demonic Destroyers and their created fiends. It allows for the peaking of pleasure to unnatural levels with or without actual pleasureful contact, it mostly revolves around intercourse. Its hard to tell if it can be mastered and whether it can be used for battle.

7.) Holy and Unholy Sorcery Variants:- There are just two Sorceries in this variant and they are only acquirable by Protectors of Light, Demonic Destroyers and Fiends.

*Divine Sorcery: This is Sorcery involving an incorporation of Elysian Elements such as Force and Light. They allow for the summoning of light, holy Flame and control of Fundamental Interactions like gravity.

*Chaotic Sorcery: This is Sorcery that is an incorporation of Wind and Shadow Sorceries and users are known for their more disordered and disordered inclinations. It allows mostly for unadulterated Darkness manipulation and Necromancy. It can be Acquired only by Fiends, Demonic Destroyers, Fallen Angels and a few high leveled beasts.

8.) Unknown Sorcery Variant:- A sorcery variant that is not understood.

*Dark Energy Sorcery: This is Sorcery that involves the utilization of Anti-Energy for most techniques, it has a rather weird effect but is formidable nonetheless. Sorcery techniques used with the Anti-Energy can Negate and Nullify their normal Energy counterparts. A weird kind of Sorcery only discovered in an estranged continent and practiced by Sorcerers of the Stronghold of Wicirin.

9.) Derived Sorcery Variants:- This is a nigh endless list of Sorcery Variants as the more innovative a Sorcerer can become means the higher they have the chance formulating a Sorcery Variant as the possibilities are limitless. [All of these Variants have their Ancestral versions which are stronger and harder to master.]

*Fortification Sorcery: Sorcery that entails simple Protection.

*Undead Sorcery {Necromancy}: From Chaotic Sorcery, it allows for the creation of Ghouls without the need for corpses but with displaced souls and allows for the creation of Undead Soldiers with the need for corpses and the strength of the Soldiers are significantly higher than their living counterparts.

*Physical Body Sorcery: Otherwise known as Puppeteering Sorcery, The ultimate control over all concepts of the human body with forceful control when the mind cannot be appealed to, mastery allows for the brain to be cut off from the body and the body to be controlled by threads of Energy.

*Divination Sorcery: It is Sorcery that allows for foretelling and foresight.

*Blacksmith Metal Creation Sorcery: As the name suggests.

And so on.